What is the population of the North Island in New Zealand?

What is the population of the North Island in New Zealand?

3.67 million people
The North Island was home to an estimated 3.67 million people at 30 June 2017, Stats NZ said today. This number accounted for 77 percent of New Zealand’s total population. Overall, the North Island’s population grew at a rate of 2.2 percent, faster than the national average of 2.1 percent.

What are the population of the North and South Island in New Zealand?

That means there was an estimated 3.67 million people in the north, and an estimated 1.1 million in the south. While the South Island population grew by 1.8 per cent in 2017, it’s still smaller than Auckland, and the North Island’s population grew by 2.2 per cent in the same period.

Do more people live in the North or South Island of NZ?

More than half of New Zealanders live in the northern half of the North Island. The Auckland urban area is home to more than one million people, which exceeds the population of the entire South Island. About 90% of Māori live in the North Island.

How large is Stewart island?

674 mi²
Stewart Island / Rakiura/Area

Stewart Island/Rakiura, third largest island of New Zealand, in the southwest Pacific Ocean off the southern tip of South Island. Roughly triangular and measuring 45 by 25 miles (70 by 40 km), the island has a total land area of 674 square miles (1,746 square km).

Where do Australia and New Zealand get most of their energy?

Currently, the strongest renewable sectors in the country are in hydro-generated energy, wind generation, and solar generation. Hydropower, the largest sector in the country, accounted for 35.16% of renewable energy in Australia in 2018 and 8% of total energy in the country.

Does anyone live on Stewart Island?

Stewart Island/Rakiura is sparsely populated and its economy is dependent on summer tourism and fishing. Its permanent population was recorded at 408 people as of the 2018 census, most of whom live in the settlement of Oban on the eastern side of the island.

What was Stewart Island used for?

The main industries on the island were sheep farming, logging the native forest, and fishing. In the 2010s fishing continues, and hunting is also popular. Many tourists visit the island, many of them trampers. Stewart Island is part of the Southern District Health Board.

How many people live in the North Island of New Zealand?

It has a population of 3,896,200 (June 2020), accounting for approximately 77% of the total residents of New Zealand. Twelve main urban areas (half of them officially cities) are in the North Island.

Which is the largest city in the North Island?

Cities and towns. Map of the North Island showing some of its cities. The North Island has a larger population than the South Island, with the country’s largest city, Auckland, and the capital, Wellington, accounting for nearly half of it.

Which is larger the South Island or the North Island?

The North Island has a larger population than the South Island, with the country’s largest city, Auckland, and the capital, Wellington, accounting for nearly half of it. There are 28 urban areas in the North Island with a population of 10,000 or more:

What is the ecology of the North Island?

Ecology. The North Island is divided into two ecoregions within the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests biome, the northern part being the Northland temperate kauri forest, and the southern part being the North Island temperate forests. The island has an extensive flora and bird population, with numerous National Parks and other protected areas.