What is the medical term for under the tongue?

What is the medical term for under the tongue?

Sublingual: Underneath the tongue.

What does AC and PC stand for in medical terms?

AC HS. Before meals and at bedtime. PC dinner. After dinner.

What does PO OD mean on a prescription?

hs (hora somni) means “at bedtime” od (oculus dexter) means “right eye” os (oculus sinister) means “left eye” po (per os) means “by mouth”

What does under the tongue mean?

Sublingual (abbreviated SL), from the Latin for “under the tongue”, refers to the pharmacological route of administration by which substances diffuse into the blood through tissues under the tongue.

What does sub mean in medical terms?

Sub-: Prefix meaning meaning under, below, less than normal, secondary, less than fully. As in subacute, subaortic stenosis, subarachnoid, subclavian, subclinical disease, subcutaneous, subdural, subglottis, subjacent, sublingual, subluxation, and subtotal hysterectomy. From the Latin preposition sub meaning under.

What is SL medical abbreviation?

v’Italic text’

Abbreviation Meaning SB.saving bank
sl sublingual
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
SLEV St Louis virus
SLL small lymphocytic lymphoma

What is the meaning of IV in medical term?

Intravenous usually refers to a way of giving a drug or other substance through a needle or tube inserted into a vein. Also called IV.

What is BD in medical prescription?

Medical Definition of b.d. twice a day —used in writing prescriptions.

Why do we take medicines under our tongue?

Drugs that are absorbed under the tongue or between the cheek and gum can be easier to take for people who have problems swallowing pills .

What is the medical abbreviation meaning under the tongue?

Sublingual: Underneath the tongue. For example, a sublingual medication is a type of lozenge that is dissolved under the tongue. SLIDESHOW Heart Disease: Causes of a Heart Attack See Slideshow

What is sublingual medication?

Sublingual medications are orally disintegrating or dissolving medications that are administered by being placed under the tongue. These medications are transferred to the bloodstream from the mucous membranes in the mouth after dissolving, allowing for quick absorption that avoids the loss…

What is the abbreviation for sublingual?

Sublingual ( abbreviated SL ), from the Latin for “under the tongue “, refers to the pharmacological route of administration by which substances diffuse into the blood through tissues under the tongue. Many drugs are designed for sublingual administration, including cardiovascular drugs, steroids,…