What is the full meaning of solemnly?

What is the full meaning of solemnly?

/ˈsɑː.ləm.li/ seriously and without any humour: I solemnly promise to tell the truth.

What is another word for solemnly?

Some common synonyms of solemn are earnest, grave, sedate, serious, sober, and staid. While all these words mean “not light or frivolous,” solemn suggests an impressive gravity utterly free from levity.

Whats solemnity mean?

Definition of solemnity 1 : formal or ceremonious observance of an occasion or event. 2 : a solemn event or occasion. 3 : a solemn condition or quality the solemnity of his words.

What is a sentence for solemnly?

Solemnly sentence example. Pierre looked solemnly at his audience over his spectacles and continued. On the 1st of September he was solemnly crowned tsar. Leaning back, she gazed solemnly up into his eyes.

What does solemnly declare mean?

1 characterized or marked by seriousness or sincerity.

What is the opposite of solemnly?

Opposite of in a solemn or considered manner. casually. indifferently. lightly. minor.

What is an example of solemnity?

Solemnity is a serious feeling or tone for a ceremony or occasion. An example of a solemnity is a funeral mass. The quality or condition of being solemn.

What is a sentence with the word solemnly?

Chu solemnly studies this situation,then he saves the day.

  • He is more solemnly,the other guy is more flashy.
  • “Retail is detail,” he says solemnly.
  • Hemke said solemnly Sunday afternoon and paused for the proper effect.
  • The new chapter has been written and has been solemnly sealed.
  • “Things are changing,” she says solemnly.
  • What does solemness mean?

    solemness – a trait of dignified seriousness. sedateness, solemnity, staidness. serious-mindedness, earnestness, seriousness, sincerity – the trait of being serious; “a lack of solemnity is not necessarily a lack of seriousness”- Robert Rice.

    Do solemnly affirm definition?

    In law, an affirmation is a solemn declaration allowed to those who conscientiously object to taking an oath. An affirmation has exactly the same legal effect as an oath but is usually taken to avoid the religious implications of an oath; it is thus legally binding but not considered a religious oath. Some religious minorities hold beliefs that allow them to make legally binding promises but forbid them to swear an oath before a deity.

    What is the history meaning of solemn?

    solemn (adj.) mid-14c., “performed with due religious ceremony or reverence, sacred, devoted to religious observances,” also, of a vow, etc., “made under religious sanction, binding,” from Old French solempne (12c., Modern French solennel) and directly from Latin sollemnis “annual, established, religiously fixed, formal, ceremonial, traditional,” perhaps related to sollus “whole” (from PIE root *sol- “whole, well-kept”).
