What is the full meaning of gross?

What is the full meaning of gross?

adjective, gross·er, gross·est. without deductions; total, as the amount of sales, salary, profit, etc., before taking deductions for expenses, taxes, or the like (opposed to net): gross earnings;gross sales. unqualified; complete; rank: a gross scoundrel. flagrant and extreme: gross injustice.

What is ment by gross?

/ɡrəʊs/ us. /ɡroʊs/ C1. (in) total: A person’s gross income is the money they earn before tax is deducted from it.

Why does gross mean disgusting?

The word gross has been in English for hundreds of years. We got it from French, where it means “big” or “fat.” It took on a variety of senses in English related to size, including “coarse” (gross grains as opposed to fine), “strikingly obvious” (grosse as a mountaine), and “whole” (gross as opposed to net value).

How do you use the word gross?

Examples of gross in a Sentence Adjective They have suffered a gross injustice. She has a gross habit of chewing on the ends of her hair. Verb They grossed $50,000 before taxes.

Is it rude to say gross?

If you say that someone’s speech or behavior is gross, you think it is very coarse, vulgar, or unacceptable. Gross means the total amount of something, especially money, before any has been taken away.

What do you mean by disgusting person?

: so unpleasant to see, smell, taste, consider, etc., that you feel slightly sick. : so bad, unfair, inappropriate, etc., that you feel annoyed and angry.

What do you call a person who is heartless?

brutal, callous, cold-blooded, cruel, harsh, inhuman, insensitive, merciless, ruthless, uncaring, unkind, cold fish, cold-hearted, hard, hard as nails, hard-boiled, hard-hearted, obdurate, pitiless, savage.

What does Gross mean in texting?

“Disgusting” is the most common definition for GROSS on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. GROSS. Definition: Disgusting.

What means the opposite of gross?

Antonyms: net, inconspicuous, clear, mitigated, decent, take-home, nett, lean, specific, thin, unseeable, invisible. grossverb.