What is the factor of the trinomial x2 12x 36 a perfect square trinomial?

What is the factor of the trinomial x2 12x 36 a perfect square trinomial?

Since (we’re implicitly assuming) it’s a perfect square and the coefficient of the highest power is 1, it’s just a matter of guessing factorizations of the form (x+a)2 . Since we want a2=36 and 2a=12 , we want to use a=6 so the factorization is x2+12x+36=(x+6)2 .

How do you write a binomial trinomial?

When you multiply two binomials together, you use the FOIL method, multiplying the First, then the Outer, then the Inner, and finally the Last terms of the two binomials into a trinomial.

How did you express each perfect square trinomial as the square of binomial?

Any time you take a binomial and multiply it to itself, you end up with a perfect square trinomial. For example, take the binomial (x + 2) and multiply it by itself (x + 2). The result is a perfect square trinomial.

What is the factor of 25×2 1?

Rewrite 25×2 25 x 2 as (5x)2 ( 5 x ) 2 . Rewrite 1 as 12 . Since both terms are perfect squares, factor using the difference of squares formula, a2−b2=(a+b)(a−b) a 2 – b 2 = ( a + b ) ( a – b ) where a=5x a = 5 x and b=1 .

Which is the correct formula for 3 squared?

For example, 3 squared is written as 3² and 3² = 3 × 3 = 9. Nine is a perfect square. Goodman, Len and Weisstein, Eric W. “Square Number.”

When to take the negative of 4 squared?

To take the negative of 4 squared enter it as – (4) or -4. When an exponent expression is written with a positive value such a 4² it is easy for most anyone to understand this means 4 × 4 = 16

How to square negative numbers in a calculator?

Squaring Negative Numbers. When you want to square negative numbers in this calculator use parentheses with your input.-5² means -(5 × 5) = -25-(5)² means -(5 × 5) = -25 (-5)² means (-5 × -5) = 25; For example, to square -4 enter it into the calculator as (-4) with parentheses. To take the negative of 4 squared enter it as -(4) or -4.

Do you use parentheses in the square calculator?

Enter positive or negative whole numbers or decimal numbers or scientific E notation. When you want to square negative numbers in this calculator use parentheses with your input. For example, to square -4 enter it into the calculator as (-4) with parentheses.