What is the easiest type of guinea pig?

What is the easiest type of guinea pig?

As the most common breed, the American Guinea Pig by default wins the popularity contest. They are known for their great temperament and also get along well with other piggies. Its short, smooth coat makes it easy to take of, particularly for children. Hairless guineas can be spotted a mile away.

Are guinea pigs easy to take care of?

Guinea pigs are easy to care for. They require hay, fresh water, fresh vegetables and a small amount of pelleted food formulated for guinea pigs, plus a vitamin C supplement each day. They also need a fairly large cage lined with paper-based bedding.

What is the calmest breed of guinea pig?

Teddy guinea pigs
Teddy guinea pigs are known for being calm and friendly. Many Teddy guinea pigs are very tolerant of handling and may even enjoy cuddling with their owners. This makes them a good option for children or first-time guinea pig owners.

Are guinea pigs good for beginners?

Guinea pigs are hands-down the best pets for children, and it’s easy to learn cavy care. They are cuddly, cute, easy to keep and breed and live for approximately 4–7 years. They smell nice, and their minuscule droppings mean that caring and cleaning are kept to a minimum.

Which are better male or female guinea pigs?

What makes the best pet – male or female guinea pigs? Male guinea pigs (boars) have a tendency to live a little longer than females (sows), especially if the females are having young. Both have similar temperaments although males often have a bolder personality, making them easier to handle.

Is it better to have 2 guinea pigs than 1?

How to introduce guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are social pets and are therefore best kept in groups of two or more. This enables them to express their natural behaviour, and allows for all of their social needs to be met.

What’s the best way to care for a guinea pig?

First rule of correct guinea pig care: Provide your pet with optimal (or larger) sized cage. You can read additional info about cages on Guinea Pig Cages Page. 2. CAGE LOCATION Put the cage inside the house. It should reside in a high traffic area, with minimal temperature oscillations (Ideally 20°C – 22°C).

How often should you give a guinea pig a bath?

Avoid bathing your guinea pigs frequently. You may wish to give your guinea pigs a bath, but bathing them upsets their natural body processes, so baths should be limited to a few times a year. Long-haired guinea pigs may need 2-3 baths a year. Watch for signs of illness.

How often should you brush a guinea pig’s fur?

Fur may be brushed with a soft-backed brush. Hairless guinea pigs benefit from a small amount of non-toxic aloe-based lotion rubbed onto skin to keep it soft. Guinea pigs need their nails clipped approximately once a month. It is normal for a guinea pig’s teeth to be yellow; cleaning is not necessary.

What kind of cage should I get for my guinea pig?

Even though their stay with you will be temporary, guinea pigs housed in larger cages are more likely to be active, and thus more likely to attract prospective adopters. Traditional stainless-steel cat cages will work; aquariums, however, provide poor ventilation, and mesh or wire-floor cages hurt guinea pigs’ tender feet.