What is the difference between place value and face value of 5 in 9125678?

What is the difference between place value and face value of 5 in 9125678?

Face value of a digit in a number is the value of the digit itself. Hence, the required difference between place value and face value of ‘5’ in 91, 25,678 is 4995 and option (c) will be the answer.

What is the place value of 5 in 12593?

Find the product of the place value and face value of 5 in 12593. So, 5 x 100 = 500.

What is the place value of 5 in 4567?

Place value of digit 5 in 4567 is the place at which it stands in 4567 = 500. Face Value of 5 is 5. Therefore Product is 500 x 5 = 2500.

What is the face value of 5 in 76085432?

Face value of 5 in 76085432 is 5000..

What is the place value of 6 in 4567?

The place value of 6 in 4567 is 600​

What is the difference between face value and place value?

Face value is the digit itself. Place of a digit in number is decided by its position. Place value is a product of the face value and the place of a digit.

Which is an example of a face value?

Face value of digit is that digit itself though it may be at any place. Each digit has a place value ten times of that immediately to its right. Example- in number 235 face value of 3 is 3 and as 3 is at ten’s place value is 3 x 10 = 30 Face value remains the same though it is used at…

How to find the face value of a digit?

Place value of a digit should be multiplied by the digit value of the position where it is located. Face value of a digit always remains the same, irrespective of the position where it is located. Also, try out: Place Value Worksheets. Example: Find the Place value and Face value for every digit 4657.

Which is the face value of the number 9?

The face value of 9 is 9. In the number 49378, 9 is at the place thousand. So the multiplication of face value of 9, and as 9 is at thousand’s place, it will be 1000 so we get 9 x 1000 = 9000 We get the place value of 9 = 9000