What is the difference between Mexican Revolution and American Revolution?

What is the difference between Mexican Revolution and American Revolution?

Basically, the Mexican Revolution was a lot like the American. In both of them, it was a huge bloody war. They were both people/groups rebelling not-so-calmly against their unwanted leader. In the Mexican Rev., there were a lot of unwanted leaders, but in the American Rev., there was only one (King George II).

What is the difference between American Revolution and American war?

The main difference is who the battles are fought between. A war and a revolution are both battles, both wars. A revolution is a battle fought in hopes of a new system, by overthrowing a government and a civil war is fought between people of the same country.

Did Mexicans fight in Revolutionary War?

Hispanic persons participated in the Revolutionary War. In addition to the significant contributions of Bernardo de Galvez, there were Hispanic women who participated in the American Revolution. In 1781, the French and American forces were about to abandon their siege of Yorktown, Virginia for lack of funds.

Did Mexico fight in the American Revolutionary War?

Their concern was great-power politics. But the revolution was sincerely felt in the Spanish and French territories of Cuba, New Spain (Mexico) and New Orleans. The newly appointed Spanish Governor General Bernardo Vicente de Galvez y Madrid had surreptitiously helped American rebel forces since 1775.

How is the Mexican Revolution similar to the US Civil War?

The Mexican Revolution was much more similar to the US Civil War, as there was not an outside country that the Mexicans were fighting against, but Mexicans fighting against the Mexican government. Mexico had long since gained Independence from Spain. Are Mexicans and Native Americans similar?

Why was the Mexican War of Independence started?

The mexican war of independence was started as a means to separate Mexico from Spain, to stop being a spanish colony and be our own country. That’s the “official” story, and the one that is taught at schools.

Who was the leader of the Mexican-American War?

Victoriano Huerta, leader of the army, took over as former Madero supporters and some of his enemies rose up in the name of the slain leader. Unhappily for Huerta, Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated as President of the United States just as the new Mexican president sought recognition.

What was the thesis of the Mexican Revolution?

Revolution war → 1910 → 1928. Thesis was more of a socialist kind, internal fight to end many property rights, like distribution of big land farm extension into many small parcels, and statism. About one million deaths. It was characterized by strong anti-clericalism.