What is the chemical formula for phosphorus disulfide?

What is the chemical formula for phosphorus disulfide?

Phosphorus sulfide (P2S3)

What is phosphorus disulfide?

Phosphorus sulfides comprise a family of inorganic compounds containing only phosphorus and sulfur. These compounds have the formula P4Sx with x ≤ 10. All known molecular phosphorus sulfides contain a tetrahedral array of four phosphorus atoms. P4S2 is also known but is unstable above −30 °C.

What is the compound for p2s5?

Phosphorus pentasulfide/Formula

What is the name of c3n4?


PubChem CID 14849309
Structure Find Similar Structures
Molecular Formula C3N4
Synonyms dicyanocyanamide cyanide nitrogen
Molecular Weight 92.06

What is the formula for Dichlorine trioxide?

Dichlorine trioxide/Formula

What is the formula for Tricarbon Tetranitride?

carbon monoxide CO
nitrogen tribromide NBr3
diphosphorous pentoxide P2O5
tricarbon tetranitride C3N4

What is the name of the compound with the formula bbr3?

Boron tribromide

PubChem CID 25134
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula BBr3
Synonyms BORON TRIBROMIDE Tribromoborane 10294-33-4 Borane, tribromo- Boron bromide More…
Molecular Weight 250.53

What is the correct formula for calcium and phosphorus?

Calcium phosphide (CP) is the inorganic compound with the formula Ca3P2.

What is PO4 in chemistry?

PO4, phosphate ion, is the element phosphorus combined with oxygen (four oxygen atoms per phosphorus atom). The phosphate ion has a charge of minus three.

What is the empirical formula for phosphorus sulfide?

Phosphorus sulfides comprise a family of inorganic compounds containing only phosphorus and sulfur. These compounds have the formula P 4S x with x ≤ 10.

What is the chemical formula for phosphorus?

Phosphate, chemical formula PO 4 3-, is a chemical compound made up of one phosphorus and four oxygen atoms. When it is attached to a molecule containing carbon, it is called a phosphate group.

What is the formula for diphosphorus hepta chloride?

Name: Diphosphorus Hexachloride. Formula: P2Cl6. Molar Mass: 274.6655. :: Chemistry Applications:: Chemical Elements, Periodic Table. Compound Name Formula Search.