What is the CAF-POW that Abby drinks on NCIS?

What is the CAF-POW that Abby drinks on NCIS?

What is Caf-Pow? Caf-Pow is an energy drink Sciuto is known to look for to get a caffeine high that helps her get through the day. It’s noted as being her favorite drink. During the Christmas season, nutmeg was added to the drink, which wasn’t liked.

Is CAF-POW really a drink?

What exactly is a Caf-Pow? Abby’s energy drink of choice isn’t real, sadly, but you can buy Caf-Pow merchandise. That’s the drink that was used until Perrette cut sugar out of her diet, and the show switched to using unsweetened cranberry juice instead.

How was Abby killed on NCIS?

The NCIS team soon worked out how she was actually the victim of a hit planned by Robert King (Peter Jason). However, Abby was not killed off in her final episode and instead woke up with Timothy McGee (Sean Murray) by her side.

Is Gibbs Abby’s dad?

NCIS spoilers: DiNozzo daddy drama in 250th episode >> Fans of the show know that after tragically losing his wife and daughter at the hands of a criminal, Gibbs struggled to let anyone into his heart. Slowly, but surely, his team became his family and it’s obvious that Abby became Gibbs’ adoptive daughter.

What kind of energy drink did Abby have on NCIS?

Abby’s energy drink of choice isn’t real, sadly, but you can buy Caf-Pow merchandise. For the authentic NCIS experience, fill your mug with Hawaiian Punch. That’s the drink that was used until Perrette cut sugar out of her diet, and the show switched to using unsweetened cranberry juice instead.

Who is the actress that plays Abby on NCIS?

One of the most beloved characters on NCIS is Abby Sciuto, portrayed by Pauley Perrette. Although she left the show, there are rumors she may return. None of this is certain, but if she does, you can bet that her beloved Caf-Pow will be there with her. Read on to find out more about Pauley Perrette, Abby Sciuto, and Caf-Pow. What is NCIS?

What kind of drink does Sciuto use on NCIS?

Sciuto’s drink of choice has become such a signature of the show that you can buy your own Caf-Pow merch. There are even unofficial recipes that try to replicate the drink’s famously high caffeine content so you can try to get that crime-solving buzz yourself.

What kind of energy drink does Abby Sciuto drink?

But while Gibbs takes his energy boost in the form of many cups of coffee, the show’s most famous energetic beverage is forensic scientist Abby Sciuto’s (Pauley Perrette) favorite energy drink, Caf-Pow.