What is the atomic number of an element that has 11 protons and 12 neutrons?

What is the atomic number of an element that has 11 protons and 12 neutrons?

Sodium has a mass number of 23amu. Since sodium has 11 protons, the number of neutrons must be 23 – 11 = 12 neutrons.

What element has 12 neutrons and 11 electrons and is metallic?

What element has 11 electrons, 12 neutrons and is metallic? – Quora. Sodium. Na23. 100% of naturally occurring sodium is this isotope.

Which of the following ion symbol for Na ion which has 11 protons and 12 electrons?

Sodium 2311Na is the most common isotope of sodium.

Which of the following contains 10 electrons 11 protons and 12 neutrons?

The particle that contains 10 electrons, 11 protons and 12 neutrons is a positively-charged sodium ion (Na+).

What is the element of an atom with 12 electrons and 10 protons?

On the Periodic Table this is Neon.

What is the atomic number of an atom with 12 protons 12 neutrons and 12 electrons?

Magnesium, in its elemental form, has 12 protons and 12 electrons. The neutrons are a different matter. Magesium’s average atomic mass is 24.305 atomic mass units, but no magnesium atom has exactly this mass.

Which element contains 10 electrons 11 protons and 12 neutrons?

Explanation: Sodium has an atomic number of 11. The number of protons determines the atomic number.

What element has 11 protons 11 neutrons and 10 electrons?

If sodium loses an electron, it now has 11 protons, 11 neutrons, and only 10 electrons, leaving it with an overall charge of +1. It is now referred to as a sodium ion.

Which isotope contains 10 protons 11 neutrons and 10 electrons?

Ne-21 (with 10 protons and 11 neutrons)

What is the charge of an atom that contains 11 protons 12 neutrons and 11 electrons?

It has 11 protons and 12 neutrons in its nucleus, and 11 electrons outside the nucleus. Sodium is one of several atoms that easily donates an electron. This leaves just 10 electrons, but since there are still 11 protons, sodium has a plus one charge. This charge means it’s a sodium ion.

What elemant has 12 neutrons?

Neutronium and the periodic table. The term “neutronium” was coined in 1926 by Andreas von Antropoff for a conjectured form of matter made up of neutrons with no protons or electrons, which he placed as the chemical element of atomic number zero at the head of his new version of the periodic table. What has 12 protons and 12 neutrons? Magnesium

What atom has 10 electrons?

As we know Neon is the noble element with atomic number 10 and contains 10 electrons in neutral state. Hence, it is the atom with 10 electrons. While Sodium has 11 electrons in its neutral state with following electronic configuration.

How many neutrons are in an element?

The atomic number of the element equals the number of protons. Calculating the number of neutrons then becomes atomic mass of the isotope minus the atomic number of the element equals the number of neutrons. For uranium-235, atomic number 92, the number of neutrons is 235-92=143, or 143 neutrons.