What is educational planning at the institutional level?

What is educational planning at the institutional level?

DEFINITION “Institutional planning is a programme of development and improvement prepared by an educational institution on the basis of its felt needs and the resources available or likely to be available, with a view to improving the school programme and school practices.

What is the institutional planning?

Institutional planning is a part of educational planning. It is confined to a particular institution and functions keeping the goals of that particular institution. It is one of the grass roots level planning. Hence it is the institutional planning that can best plan for its welfare and development.

What are the levels of planning in education?

One of divisions of educational planning levels is planning at mega, micro and macro, institution, plan or project levels. Planning at mega level is long-term or mid-term plans as designed by international organizations. Planning at macro level is the planning considered at national or country level.

What are the steps of institutional planning?

Eight Steps to an Institutional Plan

  • Examine institutional mission and strategic plans. Every institution has described a mission that helps guide institutional decision making.
  • Write project vision and goals.
  • Evaluate Policies.
  • Decide on stakeholders.
  • Set parameters for success.
  • Plan assessments.
  • Communication and Advocacy.

How institutional planning is different from educational planning?

Each secondary school must have its own plan. Institutional planning has been treated as the basic unit or grass-root level of the larger educational planning. When a plan is prepared by a particular institution on the basis of its own development and improvement, we call it institutional planning.

What is the need of institutional planning in education?

The main purpose of Institutional Planning is to improve the school programme and school practices. It is based on the principle of optimum utilization of the resources available in the school and community. Objectives of Institutional Planning:- To provide equal opportunities to all the pupils to get education.

What are the five stages of educational planning?

There are five stages

  • Base Situation Analysis/identification of the national goals.
  • Prepare the draft education plan/determine the best of the alternative.
  • Approval and experimentation.
  • Implementation/Decision making.
  • Evaluation/ Feedback World Bank.

What are the different levels of planning?

Levels of planning

  • Corporate level. An organization’s overall strategic direction is normally planned at the corporate level.
  • Business level.
  • Functional level.
  • Marketing planning.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Environmental planning.
  • Operations planning.
  • Proactive planning.

What is the need of institutional planning?

What are the basic differences between educational planning and institutional?

What are the three stages in educational planning?

There are five main stages of educational planning:

  • (1) Collection and Analysis of Statistical Information:
  • (2) Evolving Policy Proposals:
  • (3) Projections, Programming and Project Analysis:
  • (4) Costing Educational Plans:
  • (5) Decision, Implementation and Evaluation:

Which is the best definition of institutional planning?

DEFINITION “Institutional planning is a programme of development and improvement prepared by an educational institution on the basis of its felt needs and the resources available or likely to be available, with a view to improving the school programme and school practices.

What kind of planning is needed for Education?

Institutional planning requires comprehensive planning. Comprehensive planning better utilization of existing facilities. Both quantitative and qualitative education requires institutional planning. In a democratic set up, planning for educational development involves

Why is education planning so important in society?

Educational planning has become very important because: It makes sure an institution’s success. It considers the significant issues, constraints, conditions, and factors of education. The focus is on potential objectives, goals, and vision.

How is the government responsible for Educational Planning?

The polity is a representative body of the government in power at the time of the educational planning. Thus, the government is responsible for identifying the overall goal of education and also gives the directives of the plan.