What is doggone it mean?

(US) Euphemism for goddamn; an expression of anger or annoyance. Doggone! I lost my keys again. interjection. Damn.

How do you use doggone?

The schedule might appear impressive if it weren’t so doggone reckless. You know, that’s what makes politics so doggone interesting. We’re able to stop and change direction pretty doggone quick here. And, doggone it, celebs have rushed to social media to show off their cute canines.

What does doggone girl mean?

adjective. informal North American attributive. Used to express feelings of annoyance, surprise, or pleasure. ‘now just a doggone minute’ ‘it’s doggone good to be home’

What does dag gone mean?

Daggone is a slang expression means a polite way of saying ‘goddamn’. The subtitler does not translate it because before the word ‘daggone’ is a word ‘that’ that also can mean ‘really’. ‘Daggone’ in the context also means ‘really’ so the subtitler eliminates it, since there is two words that have the same meaning.

How do you use Doggone in a sentence?

  1. Those doggone kids stepped on our flowers!
  2. He didn’t do a doggone thing today.
  3. It’s a doggone shame that you missed it.
  4. If you believe that, you’re a doggoned fool!

How do you spell dadgummit?

Dadgummit meaning (US, euphemistic) Goddammit.

What does shucks mean in slang?

(colloquial) Exclamatory response to a minor disappointment. Shucks. (slang) Used to express mild disappointment, embarrassment, etc.

What type of word is doggone?

verb (used with object), dog·goned, dog·goning. to damn: Doggone your silly advice! adjective, superlative dog·gon·est. Also doggoned.

Is Daggone a word?

to damn: Doggone your silly advice! adjective, superlative dog·gon·est. Also doggoned.

How do you spell Daggon?


  1. dog·​gone | \ ˈdäg-ˈgän , ˈdȯg-ˈgȯn \
  2. doggoned; doggoning.
  3. doggone. adjective or adverb.
  4. variants: or doggoned \ ˈdäg-​ˈgän(d) , ˈdȯg-​ˈgȯn(d) \
  5. doggone. noun.
  6. Seen & Heard.

What does Doggoned mean?

informal attributive. Used to express feelings of annoyance, surprise, or pleasure. ‘now just a doggone minute’. as submodifier ‘it’s doggone good to be home’. ‘Wait a doggone minute!’. ‘This 1953 effort isn’t a complete waste of time, but it comes doggone close.’. ‘Flood their doggone offices with requests to do something.’.

What is another word for Doggone It?

Synonyms for doggone it include rat, blast, bother, botheration, damnation, heck, hell, sugar, dash and flip. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What does Doggone It mean?

Definition of doggone it. doggone it. interjection. used to express frustration. Euphemism for “god damn it”. See also doggone.