What is a fracture match in forensic science?

What is a fracture match in forensic science?

When an object has been torn, broken, or separated, one piece of it has the potential to match another piece of it when they are placed next to one another. In forensic investigations this is called fracture matching.

What is a fracture or physical match?

A “fracture match” is a “physical match” or “jigsaw match” that occurs when a substance or an item has been broken into one or more pieces, and the jagged ends are observed to fit together.

What is identification in forensic science?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Forensic identification is the application of forensic science, or “forensics”, and technology to identify specific objects from the trace evidence they leave, often at a crime scene or the scene of an accident.

What is secondary crime?

A secondary crime scene is in some way related to the crime but is not where the actual crime took place. In a bank robbery, for example, the bank is the primary scene, but the get-away car and the thief’s hideout are secondary scenes.

What is a physical match?

Direct physical matches are when two pieces of a material are physically fit back together using pattern of the broken edges and surface features. Indirect physical matches occur when two pieces of a material are matched together using surface features such as scratches or extrusion marks.

What fracture patterns does glass usually have?

When a projectile i.e. a bullet or rock hits the glass, it will form two distinct types of fractures: Radial and Concentric. There is another terminology that is known as cone fracture, observed to be caused by a penetration of the high velocity projectile such as a bullet.

What is an example of forensic identification?

Forensic identification expertise encompasses fingerprint, handwriting, and firearms (“ballistics”), and toolmark comparisons, all of which are used by crime laboratories to associate or dissociate a suspect with a crime. Shoe and tire prints also fall within this large pattern evidence domain.

What is identification in criminology?

The field of criminology, personal identification refers to the various means law enforcement can use to identify a person as a suspect, witness, or…

What are the seven S’s of a crime scene?

The Seven S’s of Crime-Scene Investigation

  • Securing The Scene.
  • Securing And Collecting Evidence.
  • Separating The Witnesses.
  • Sketching The Scene.
  • Seeing The Scene.
  • Scanning The Scene.
  • Searching For Evidence.

What is primary murder?

First-degree murder is the intentional killing of another person with malice and planning. Other factors can escalate a murder charge to first-degree, such as: Explosives, poisons, or armor-piercing ammunition is used. Victim is tortured before being murdered. Murder occurs during another felony, such as rape.

Why is physical matching important?

A physical fit or an abundance of matching surface features is sufficient to establish identity between two pieces. A physical match may be established within many types of materials.