What is a ball of gas in space called?

What is a ball of gas in space called?

A star is a big ball of gas. Stars are born in nebulas. Nebulas are clouds found in space. They are made of gases and dust.

What is a giant ball of hot gas called?

A star is a giant ball of gases held together by. gravity. It makes heat and light. Different stars produce different amounts of energy.

What is very large ball of bright glowing hot matter in space?

A star is a very large ball of bright glowing hot matter in space. That matter is called plasma. Stars are held together by gravity. They give out heat and light because they are very hot.

What planet is a hot ball of glowing gas?

Kid-Friendly Sun The Sun is a hot ball of glowing gases. It keeps our planet warm enough for living things to grow. It gives us light so we can see. The planets orbit the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Is a hot ball of gas?

A star is a huge glowing ball of hot gas. Deep inside its core, hydrogen atoms smash together, forming helium and releasing huge amounts of energy that heats the gas.

Are gigantic balls of hot gas?

Are huge balls of hot burning gas?

Answer: Basically, stars are big exploding balls of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium. Our nearest star, the Sun, is so hot that the huge amount of hydrogen is undergoing a constant star-wide nuclear reaction, like in a hydrogen bomb.

What are hot glowing balls of gas called?

Huge hot balls of gas that are held together by gravity and give off their own light are called stars. The sun is also a star. Oxygen gas will what a glowing splint? Oxygen will rekindle or relight a glowing splint. Which gas relights a glowing splint? OXYGEN RELIGHTS A GLOWING SPLINT Oxygen. A star is a brilliantly glowing sphere of hot?

Is the Star a hot ball of gas?

Yes, a star is a glowing sphere of hot gas. The planet that is a hot ball of glowing gas?

Is the Sun a big ball of gas?

The sun and other stars don’t burn oxygen, they burn other gases. that’s what a star is, a big ball of gas. It burns these gases, which is also what is used to classified the stars into Main Sequence stars, Giants, Dwarfs, etc.

What kind of star is made of gas and dust?

Nebulas are clouds found in space. They are made of gases and dust. A star’s color tells us how hot or cold it is. The bluish stars are the hottest ones. The reddish stars are the coolest.