What has a monomer of nucleic acids?

What has a monomer of nucleic acids?

Explanation: Nucleotides are monomers of nucleic acids, DNA and RNA . A nucleotide is made up of a nitrogenous base (adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine, or uracil), a phosphate group (PO3−4) , and a 5 -carbon sugar.

How are monomers linked to form a nucleic acid?

List the major components of a nucleotide, and describe how these monomers are linked to form a nucleic acid. Nucleotides are linked together into a polynucleotide by phosphodiester linkages, which join the sugar of one nucleotide with the phosphate of the next.

Is cytosine a monomer of nucleic acid?

Nucleic acids then are polymeric macromolecules assembled from nucleotides, the monomer-units of nucleic acids. The purine bases adenine and guanine and pyrimidine base cytosine occur in both DNA and RNA, while the pyrimidine bases thymine (in DNA) and uracil (in RNA) occur in just one.

What kind of bonds form between nucleotides when they are linked to form nucleic acids?

phosphodiester bonds
The links between the nucleotides are called phosphodiester bonds.

What is the monomer and polymer for nucleic acid?

In case of nucleic acids, monomers are the nucleotides composed of nitrogenous base, pentose sugar, and phosphate group whereas DNA and RNA are considered as polymer of nucleic acids. DNA and RNA are composed of monomers termed as nucleotides.

What monomer is polymerized to form DNA?

DNA consists of two long polymers (called strands) that run in opposite directions and form the regular geometry of the double helix. The monomers of DNA are called nucleotides. Nucleotides have three components: a base, a sugar (deoxyribose) and a phosphate residue.

Do purines pair with purines?

Thus, purine-purine cannot pair with each other due to the unavailability of the required space to bond together in the DNA double helix.

How these monomers are linked together to form a nucleic acid?

Nucleic Acids – molecules consisting of nucleotide monomers linked together to form polynucleotide chains. DNA and RNA are examples of nucleic acids. These molecules contain instructions for protein synthesis and allow organisms to transfer genetic information from one generation to the next.

How many different kinds monomers are there in nucleic acids?

Kinds of monomers in nucleic acids: There are 5 types of monomers in nucleic acids they are called nucleutides. The five pieces are uracil, cytosine , thymine , adenine , andguanine.

What monomers make up DNA molecules?

DNA consists of paired polymers made up of four different monomers. The monomers consist of a deoxyribose sugar molecule, a phosphate group and a nitrogen base ring . It is the base ring that differentiates the four otherwise identical monomers; they get their names from their respective nitrogen bases.

What is the monomer that makes up RNA and DNA?

DNA and RNA are made up of monomers known as nucleotides. The nucleotides combine with each other to form a polynucleotide: DNA or RNA.