What happens if you get reported on Toontown rewritten?

What happens if you get reported on Toontown rewritten?

For privacy reasons, unfortunately we cannot let you know what happens after a report is filed. Any infractions issued are between us and the Toon that was infracted. After filing a report, you can play with the peace of mind that a staff member will make sure the misbehaving Toon is taken care of!

Can you get banned from Toontown rewritten?

The staff of Toontown Rewritten have gotten way too militant about behavior in the game. EVERYTHING is now bannable. If you don’t leave a building when others declare it’s full, that is most likely ban-worthy.

Can you play two toons on the same account?

Whilst you can’t play on two Toons from the same account at the same time, players that do play on two Toons, which is more commonly referred to as Multi-Tooning, usually use two separate accounts.

What happens after you file a report on Toontown?

For privacy reasons, unfortunately we cannot let you know what happens after a report is filed. Any infractions issued are between us and the Toon that was infracted. After filing a report, you can play with the peace of mind that a staff member will make sure the misbehaving Toon is taken care of!

Do you need to prove you are the owner of a Toontown account?

If you need to prove you are the account owner, in the case of an issue with your e-mail, ToonGuard, or Two-Factor Authentication, you’ll need to make sure that you’re sending a log file that corresponds to the correct account. If you don’t have multiple Toontown Rewritten accounts, you don’t need to worry about this.

Can a toon Green an act on Toontown rewritten?

An act must be committed intentionally for it to be considered greening; a Toon who does not have access to higher gags should not be mistakenly accused of greening given this restriction. Greening is strictly prohibited on Toontown Rewritten and violates their Terms of Service.

Can you share your first name on Toontown rewritten?

On Toontown Rewritten, no one knows you’re not a Toon! You are allowed to share: Your first name, your state/province, country of residence, timezone, or Toonbook profile.