What happens after the giant star stage?

What happens after the giant star stage?

Stars spend approximately a few thousand to 1 billion years as a red giant. Eventually, the helium in the core runs out and fusion stops. The star shrinks again until a new helium shell reaches the core.

What happens after a massive star grows into a supergiant?

When a high-mass star has no hydrogen left to burn, it expands and becomes a red supergiant. While most stars quietly fade away, the supergiants destroy themselves in a huge explosion, called a supernova. The death of massive stars can trigger the birth of other stars.

What does a supergiant star turn into?

The average star then becomes a red giant, a planetary nebula, and ends its life as a white dwarf. The massive star turns into a red supergiant, goes supernova, and ends up as a neutron star or a black hole – again, depending on its size.

How long does a red supergiant star last?

Red supergiant stars don’t last long; typically only a few hundred thousand years, maybe up to a million. Within this period, the core of the red supergiant continues to fuse heavier and heavier elements. This process stops when iron builds up in the core of the star. Iron is the equivalent of ash when it comes to nuclear fusion.

Are there any post AGB stars that are supergiant?

Many post-AGB stars receive spectral types with supergiant luminosity classes. For example, RV Tauri has an Ia ( bright supergiant) luminosity class despite being less massive than the sun.

Why are red supergiants the largest stars in the universe?

As a result, while red supergiants are counted as the largest stars in the universe, they are not the most massive because they lose mass as they age, even as they expand outward. Red supergiants look red because of their low surface temperatures.

How does the life of a giant star start?

A giant star starts its life innocently, when gas and dust buckle under an assertive gravitational pull to form a baby star.