What does UNAM specialize in?
UNAM is a good option for students who are studying: Spanish Language and Literature, Latin American History, International Studies, Political Science, Ethnic Studies, Planning and Public Policy, Business, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, Journalism, Education, and the natural sciences.
Is UNAM accredited in the US?
UNAM is the first Mexican university in the U.S. to receive full accreditation from the Commission on English Language Accreditation.
Are Mexican degrees valid United States?
A growing number of Mexican immigrants in the United States have college degrees, but many of them encounter obstacles to putting their education to productive use in this country. Most Mexican college graduates in the United States have legal status—but many are undocumented.
Where is the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan located?
The Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán ( Autonomous University of Yucatan ), or UADY, is an autonomous public university in the state of Yucatán, Mexico, with its central campuses located in the state capital of Mérida. It is the largest tertiary educational institution (Spanish: educación superior) in the state,…
What are the mottos of Colleges and universities?
Many colleges and universities have designated mottos that represent the ethos and culture of that institution. First, to learn the nature of things. (From Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, l. VI.) Know More.
Where does the University of Yucatan rank in the world?
Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan is one of the top Public universities in Mérida, Mexico. It is ranked #1201+ in QS Global World Rankings 2022. QS World University Rankings #1201+
What is the motto of the University of Aberdeen?
1 University of Aberdeen: Latin: Initium sapientiae Timor Domini (Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom) 2 University of Abertay Dundee: Latin: Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam (Blessed is the one who finds wisdom) 3 Aberystwyth University: Nid Byd, Byd Heb Wybodaeth ( Welsh: A world without knowledge is no world at all)