What does the word oppose?

What does the word oppose?

1 : to place over against something so as to provide resistance, counterbalance, or contrast one military force opposed to another concreteness as opposed to abstraction— L. E. Lynch. 2 : to place opposite or against something oppose the enemy oppose a congressional bill.

How do you use oppose?

  1. oppose somebody/something This party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty.
  2. He threw all those that opposed him into prison.
  3. to oppose a war/bill/plan.
  4. Do you support or oppose this proposal?
  5. The children strongly opposed the idea.
  6. He vehemently opposed the War of 1812.

What is the opposite meaning of oppose?

oppose. Antonyms: aid, abet, back, support, advance, expedite. Synonyms: withstand, resist, mutch, obstruct, confront, oppugn, bar, hinder, contravene, check, thwart.

What does opposing mean in debate?

to stand in the way of; hinder; obstruct. to set as an opponent or adversary. to be hostile or adverse to, as in opinion: to oppose a resolution in a debate.

What is it called when you oppose something?

resist. verb. to oppose or fight against someone or something.

What does it mean when someone says they are not opposed?

It means to not be against something. To go along with it. to where opposed would mean that you are against something like something someone wants you to do something.

What does Apose mean?

to place side by side or near to each other. (usually foll by to) to place (something) near or against another thing.

What do you call someone who opposes something?

An antagonist is someone who opposes someone else. An antagonist is always in opposition, but she isn’t always bad or mean; your opponent on the tennis court, for example, could be called your antagonist, simply because it is her priority to beat you in your tennis game.

What Does not opposed mean?

not opposed. Plain and simple meaning. It means to not be against something. To go along with it. to where opposed would mean that you are against something like something someone wants you to do something.
