What does Teiresias tell Odysseus to do once he returns home?

What does Teiresias tell Odysseus to do once he returns home?

In The Odyssey Odysseus is warned by the blind prophet Tiresias that all of the sacred cattle of the Sun God Helios should be left alone. He also tells Odysseus that when he returns home he will find suitors eating his food and courting his wife. He is told that he must send these men away or kill them.

What does the seer tell Odysseus?

Tiresias is a famous blind seer of Apollo. The seer says that Odysseus’ voyage home will be full of difficulties and hardships. He warns him about the grazing herds of Helios on Thrinakia.

What does Tiresias need before he will speak to Odysseus and tell his fortune?

What must Odysseus do before speaking to Tiresias? He vows that he would slaughter a barren heifter, load a pyre with treasures, and to Tiresias he would offer a sleek black ram. then he must slaughter a ram and a black ewe, turning botht their reads toward Erebus.

What does Tiresias do in the Odyssey?

Tiresias. A Theban prophet who inhabits the underworld. Tiresias meets Odysseus when Odysseus journeys to the underworld in Book 11 . He shows Odysseus how to get back to Ithaca and allows Odysseus to communicate with the other souls in Hades.

When he visits the underworld Tiresias tells Odysseus that in order to appease Poseidon he must?

In Book 11, while in the underworld, the dead seer Tiresias orders Odysseus to take one last trip before settling down. If he wants to appease the gods, Odysseus must take his oar and journey as far inland as he can.

What did the seer Tiresias tell Odysseus to do?

List the five steps the seer Tiresias tells Odysseus to follow if he wishes to return home to Ithaca. 1) that they would encounter the grazing herds of Helios on Thrinakia, but that no matter what happened they should avoid them. 2) He gave the prophecy that if Odysseus or his men ate the livestock they would meet with destruction.

Who is Tiresias and the land of the dead?

Tiresias and the Land of the Dead. The next soul that appears to him is Tiresias, the blind prophet. He tells Odysseus that Poseidon is punishing the Achaens for blinding his son Polyphemus. He tells Odysseus’ fate, that he will return home reclaim his palace and wife from the contemptible suitors who have taken over his home.

What does the shade of Teiresias tell Odysseus about Poseidon?

The shade of Teiresias informs Odysseus that Poseidon is still upset with him for blinding his son and will make his journey extremely difficult. However, Teiresias assures Odysseus that he will eventually return to Ithaca.

Who was the next soul to appear to Odysseus?

The next soul that appears to him is Tiresias, the blind prophet. He tells Odysseus that Poseidon is punishing the Achaens for blinding his son Polyphemus.