What does limelight mean in a sentence?

What does limelight mean in a sentence?

To be in the limelight is to be at the center of public attention. It might make you a little jealous if your best friend’s acting career suddenly puts her in the limelight. When a newly popular musician finds himself in the limelight, he might be surprised at all the attention.

What does my limelight mean?

Definition of the limelight : public attention or notice thought of as a bright light that shines on someone She is a very private woman who never sought the limelight. When his new book caused an unexpected controversy, he was thrust into the limelight once again.

What does it mean when it says I avoid the limelight?

public attention and interest: He always tried to avoid the limelight.

How do you use limelight?

Examples of limelight

  1. One would hardly expect otherwise as the book was thrust into the national limelight.
  2. English language learners came into the limelight since they, too, must be accounted for in these tests.
  3. This may be what pushes the mystic into the limelight, whether she seeks it or not.

Why do we say limelight?

The origins of “in the limelight,” which refers to being the focus of public attention, are linked to a type of stage lighting that was popular in the 19th century. When Gurney heated calcium oxide in the flame it produced an intense white light, dubbed limelight.

What is character limelight?

At the center of public attention or notoriety. For example, John loves being in the limelight, or The reporters made sure the attractive new actress would be in the spotlight.

How does a limelight work?

Limelight is produced by heating quicklime to a high temperature. When it’s heated with a flame produced by burning a combination of hydrogen and oxygen gases through a blow pipe, quicklime glows a bright white, or, in other words, becomes incandescent – this is known as limelight.

Why do they call it limelight?

Why are English language learners in the limelight?

English language learners came into the limelight since they, too, must be accounted for in these tests. This may be what pushes the mystic into the limelight, whether she seeks it or not. Some, no doubt, felt that he would do better to stick to exploration than embarking on this new career in the limelight.

Who was in limelight with Lizzie jobbery?

Uncle Peter crossed over and got in the limelight with Lizzie. But the action group of the UP IAS Association, which shot into limelight exposing jobbery 12 years ago, now lies defunct. If one more bimbo comes out of the woodwork to see if she can steal a little of Tiger’s limelight, I’ll probably doze off.

Why did Nancy want to stay out of the limelight?

Nancy in fact preferred to stay as much out of the limelight as possible, partly because she wanted her little Eli to be disturbed as little as possible, but mostly because she didn’t crave attention the way most politicians or celebrities did.