What does it mean if something is fundamental?

What does it mean if something is fundamental?

1a : serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function : basic Responsibility is fundamental to democracy. The Constitution ensures our fundamental rights. b : serving as an original or generating source : primary a discovery fundamental to modern computers.

What is an example of fundamental?

Fundamental is defined as something that is basic or essential. The definition of fundamental is a basic truth or law. Freedom is an example of a fundamental of the American ideal.

What does being fundamentally mean?

adjective. serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying: fundamental principles; the fundamental structure. of, relating to, or affecting the foundation or basis: a fundamental revision. being an original or primary source: a fundamental idea.

How do you use the word fundamental?

Fundamental in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Dribbling is a fundamental part of basketball.
  2. A fundamental education needs to include reading, writing, math, and a variety of other subjects.
  3. Learning the scales is a fundamental part of being a musician.

What does fundamental mean in school?

Definition of fundamental education : preparation of children or adults without opportunity for traditional formal schooling (as in underdeveloped areas) for effective participation in community life through instruction in basic facts and skills (as of literacy, agriculture, homemaking, hygiene, citizenship)

How do you use fundamentally in a sentence?

(1) The book presents a fundamentally distorted picture. (2) Your idea is fundamentally wrong. (3) The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound. (4) The conclusions of the report are fundamentally wrong .

Does fundamentally mean basically?

The word fundamentally isn’t fun, exactly, but it does describe things that are true through and through. This word means about the same as basically or essentially. If something is fundamentally true, it’s true in a deep sense.

What does fundamentally mean in a sentence?

adverb [ADVERB with verb] You use fundamentally to indicate that something affects or relates to the deep, basic nature of something. He disagreed fundamentally with the President’s judgment. I don’t think it has fundamentally altered the sport. Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.

What is the difference between basic and fundamental?

Basic is also used to describe the rules and regulations in an organization that are not written and spoken but followed by all the individuals in the organization. On the other hand, fundamental is the basis upon which theories are built such as fundamental laws of motion.

What does the saying Reading is Fundamental mean?

It means that reading is one of the main building blocks upon which a solid education can be built. It is perfectly possible and doable to gain an excellent, well-rounded, broad education without going to college, simply by reading books.

What does fundamental mean in physics?

Of or relating to the lowest possible frequency or the lowest frequency component of a vibrating element, system, periodic wave, or quantity: a fundamental chord.

What does it mean by organically?

1 : relating to or obtained from living things organic matter. 2 : relating to carbon compounds : containing carbon. 3 : being, involving, or producing food grown or made without the use of artificial chemicals organic beans organic farming.

What does fundament mean?

fundament(Noun) Foundation. fundament(Noun) The bottom; the buttocks or anus. fundament(Noun) The underlying basis or principle for a theoretical or mathematical system.

What is the definition of fundamental?

Definition of fundamental. (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function : basic Responsibility is fundamental to democracy.

What is a sentence for fundamental?

Fundamental in a sentence. It had a fundamental. One of the fundamental. One of those fundamental. To ponder the fundamental. fundamental forces in nature. It calls for a fundamental. with in some fundamental way.

What is the definition of a fundamental concept?

fundamental concepts definition, fundamental concepts meaning | English dictionary. fundamental. n one of a set of unrelated units that form the basis of a system of units.