What does calcification in the abdominal aorta mean?

What does calcification in the abdominal aorta mean?

Aortic valve calcification is a condition in which calcium deposits form on the aortic valve in the heart. These deposits can cause narrowing at the opening of the aortic valve. This narrowing can become severe enough to reduce blood flow through the aortic valve — a condition called aortic valve stenosis.

How serious is calcification of abdominal aorta?

Abdominal aortic calcification is shown to contribute to arterial stiffness and is a strong predictor of cardiovascular events and mortality.

Is abdominal aortic calcification normal?

Calcification of the abdominal aorta is not an uncommon finding in the routine roentgen investigation of the lumbar area. While this condition has not been frequently reported, it is probably more common than is usually supposed.

What is prominent vascular calcification?

Vascular calcifications are mineral deposits on the walls of your arteries and veins. These mineral deposits sometimes stick to fatty deposits, or plaques, that are already built up on the walls of a blood vessel. Vascular calcifications are common but potentially serious.

How is aortic calcification treated?

Calcific aortic stenosis is the primary cause of valvular heart disease in developed countries. Currently, the only established treatment for calcific aortic stenosis is surgical valve replacement.

What is the treatment for vascular calcification?

Table 1

Treatment Mechanism of Action
Osteoporosis Therapies for Treating Vascular Calcification
Bisphosphonates Inhibitor of osteoclast formation & survival; calcium phosphate crystal poison
Denosumab Binds RANKL & inhibits binding to RANK
Osteoprotegerin Binds RANKL & inhibits binding to RANK

How serious is artery calcification?

This can damage the heart muscle, and can be life threatening. You have probably heard of the term ‘hardening of the arteries’ – this is the same thing as calcification. The calcium forms hard crystals in the blood vessel wall.

How is calcification of the aorta treated?

Currently, the only established treatment for calcific aortic stenosis is surgical valve replacement. Due to the increasing number of ongoing basic scientific and clinical studies, the cellular mechanisms responsible for this disease clearly demonstrate that medical therapy may be an option for these patients.

What does it mean to have abdominal aortic calcification?

Abdominal aortic calcification is a sign of atherosclerosis or the hardening of fat along the inner walls, as opposed to the hardening of the artery walls in arteriosclerosis, explains Northwestern Health Sciences University.

What happens when calcium crystals are deposited in the aorta?

Abdominal aortic calcification occurs when calcium crystals are deposited in the abdominal aorta. This can cause the aorta to narrow and restrict blood flow.

What causes narrowing of the aortic valve in the heart?

Aortic valve calcification is a condition in which calcium deposits form on the aortic valve in the heart. These deposits can cause narrowing at the opening of the aortic valve. This narrowing can become severe enough to reduce blood flow through the aortic valve — a condition called aortic valve stenosis.

Are there calcareous plaques in the thoracic aorta?

However, calcareous plaques were noted in the lower thoracic aorta in only four instances. These were observed on the lumbar spine films which included part of the lower thoracic area. A lateral view of the entire thoracic area was made in two instances in this series and no evidence of calcification of the thoracic aorta was observed.