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What does BOD in water indicate?
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) represents the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria and other microorganisms while they decompose organic matter under aerobic (oxygen is present) conditions at a specified temperature. When you look at water in a lake the one thing you don’t see is oxygen.
What is a good BOD for water?
1-2 ppm
A BOD level of 1-2 ppm is considered very good. There will not be much organic waste present in the water supply. A water supply with a BOD level of 3-5 ppm is considered moderately clean.
How do you determine the BOD of water sample?
For example: 1.0 mL of a full strength wastewater sample added to 9.0 mL of DI water results in a 0.1 dilution of the wastewater. The DO concentration (mg/L) reduction must then be multiplied by 10 to determine the final BOD concentration.
What is BOD and How Is It Measured?
The test for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a bioassay procedure that measures the oxygen consumed by bacteria from the decomposition of organic matter (Sawyer and McCarty, 1978). The change in DO concentration is measured over a given period of time in water samples at a specified temperature.
What is ultimate BOD?
If you determine the BOD after 20 days, this is called “the 20 day BOD” (BOD20). These are really BOD exerted values. The “ultimate BOD” is the amount of oxygen required to decompose all of the organic material after “infinite time”. This is usually simply calculated form the 5 or 20 day data.
How is BOD measured?
BOD can be measured by three different techniques – the Winkler method, by using a dissolved oxygen probe or manometrically. • The Winkler method is a titrimetric wet chemistry test that measures the amount of oxygen present based on conversion of oxygen to iodine.
What is BOD5 in wastewater treatment?
The BOD5 value is most commonly expressed in milligrams of oxygen consumed per liter of sample during5 days of incubation at20 °C and is often used as a robust surrogate of the degree of organic pollution of water. **BOD can be used as a gauge of the effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants.
Do, BOD and cod?
BOD and COD are two measurements which describe the demand of DO by bacteria in the water . BOD refers to the biochemical oxygen demand and COD is the chemical oxygen demand.