What does a Chara mean in the Bible?

What does a Chara mean in the Bible?

When we look at the greek word for JOY in biblical text we find the word Chara (pronounced khar-ah). Chara is used to describe ones who rejoice, who are glad, and who have received joy! There are countless verses in the Bible that speak to lasting joy.

Is Chara a Greek name?

Chara is a name of Greek origin.

What does the Hebrew word Chara mean?

Transliteration: chara Phonetic Spelling: (khar-ah’) Definition: joy, delight Usage: joy, gladness, a source of joy.

What is Chara English?

/cārā/ mn. bait uncountable noun, transitive verb. Bait is food which you put on a hook or in a trap in order to catch fish or animals.

What does Chara mean in Spanish?

Spanish English
chara common beech; European beech

What does peace mean in Greek?

Greek eirene
The word “peace” (Greek eirene) together with its derivatives (the verbs meaning to reconcile, to be at peace, and to make peace) is one of those terms which more often than not is translated literally and concordantly in many translations.

What called Chara in English?

/cārā/ mn. bait uncountable noun, transitive verb. Bait is food which you put on a hook or in a trap in order to catch fish or animals. When you bait a hook or trap, you put bait on it.

Is Chara a word?

Meaning of “chara” in the English dictionary Chara is a noun. A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality.

What does “a Chara” mean in English?

Chara What does the name Chara mean? The different meanings of the name Chara are: Germanic meaning: Free man; English meaning: Man; French meaning: Free man; The meaning of the name “Chara” is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available.

What does the name Chara mean?

The name Chara is of Greek origin. The meaning of Chara is “happiness”. Chara is generally used as a girl’s name.

What does the name Charra mean?

The name Charra is a girl’s name meaning “large stoneor rock”. Rarely heard as a name; Chiara might be preferable.

What does genus Chara mean?

Chara is a genus of charophyte green algae in the family Characeae. They are multicellular and superficially resemble land plants because of stem -like and leaf -like structures. They are found in freshwater, particularly in limestone areas throughout the northern temperate zone, where they grow submerged, attached to the muddy bottom.