What distance is shorter Africa to South America or Africa to Australia?

What distance is shorter Africa to South America or Africa to Australia?

It is 10,503 km Africa to Australia. The answer is Africa to South America is a shorter distance.

Which continent has the most countries?

Africa has a total of 54 countries, the most of any continent. The most populous of these countries is Nigeria, which has more than 211 million people.

What is the name of the largest gulf in the northern coast of Australia?

The Gulf of Carpentaria (14°S 139°ECoordinates: 14°S 139°E) is a large, shallow sea enclosed on three sides by northern Australia and bounded on the north by the eastern Arafura Sea (the body of water that lies between Australia and New Guinea).

What is the name of the largest golf on the northern coast of Australia?

Nullarbor Links Golf Course | World’s Longest Golf Course Australia.

How many countries in Australia name them?

Australia (continent)

Area 8,600,000 km2 (3,300,000 sq mi) (7th)
Demonym Australian/Papuan
Countries show 2
Dependencies show External (2) show Internal (3)
Languages English, Indonesian, Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu, 269 indigenous Papuan and Austronesian languages, and about 70 Indigenous Australian languages

What are the four continents of the world?

Africa, the Americas, Antarctica, Asia, Australia together with Oceania, and Europe are considered to be Continents.

What does the Dictionary say about a continent?

What does the dictionary say? Continent, noun, [ˈkɒn.tɪ.nənt] one of the seven large landmasses on the Earth’s surface, surrounded, or mainly surrounded, by sea and usually consisting of various countries. [ 1]

Which is larger a continent or an area of land?

So, a continent is “a large, continuous area of land on Earth”. Actually, all continents together constitute less than one-third of the earth’s surface, literally! Fact is, more than two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered by water.

When was the world separated in land and water?

Imagine, recently, about 300 million years ago, during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, the world was separated – again, in Land (Pangaea) and Water (Panthalassa). Pangaea was a cluster of most or all of Earth’s continental blocks combined in one mammoth continent, surrounded by an ocean that occupied almost 70% of Earth’s surface.