What did the revival of trade in the high Middle Ages lead to?

What did the revival of trade in the high Middle Ages lead to?

The revival of trade led to the growth of cities and towns, which became important centers for manufacturing. The Catholic Church was an important part of people’s lives during the Middle Ages.

How did trade affect the Middle Ages?

Trade and commerce in the medieval world developed to such an extent that even relatively small communities had access to weekly markets and, perhaps a day’s travel away, larger but less frequent fairs, where the full range of consumer goods of the period was set out to tempt the shopper and small retailer.

What led to the revival of trade in Europe?

The primary factor was the Crusades, which began in 1095. Europeans started traveling to the Middle East in vast numbers to retake the Holy Land from the Seljuk Turks. In the process, they discovered new markets, commodities, artisanal products, and trade routes.

Why was the revival of trade so important?

The revival of trade was so important because it allowed for trade routes to expand and cities and towns to grow. Wealthy people desired goods that could not be produced on manors and peasants needed iron for farm tools.

How did the revival of trade result in a commercial revolution during the Middle Ages?

How did the revival of trade result in a commercial revolution during the Middle Ages? Trade started in Europe again in 1100 between Northern Europe and Italy. Trade soon brought back capitalism in Europe and initiated a broader trade connection like in the east. What spurred the growth of cities in the Middle Ages?

How did the revival of trade lead to the rise of towns and cities?

Once the Crusades occurred, new products were introduced to Europe and demand for products like silks, spices from far east increased. Therefore, there was an increase in trade. The increase in trade led to economic, political and social changes. as trade increased, towns grew.

What was the reason for the revival of trade in Europe?

There are five factors that led to the revival of trade in Europe: – The european trade expanded as a resilt of Crusades. – Italian cities became major trading centers. They controlled trade over Mediterranean Sea, and goods were shipped from Asia to Italian port.

What was the impact of trade in the Middle Ages?

Western Civilization Final The revival of trade and commerce during the middle ages impacted European Society in many ways but it is important to know how and what caused the revival of trade and commerce and then how it really changed the future European Society. First the rise of Christianity start brought a new phase of history.

How did the revival of Commerce change feudal relations?

The revival of commerce and the widespread use of money changed the relations between feudal lord and serf. Some lords began to rent out their lands to tenant farmers. Using those lands, serfs engaged themselves into trade, which allowed them to substitute a money payment for their feudal obligations and become tenant farmers.

Where did the Italians trade in the Middle Ages?

Some things that they received included silks, sugar, and spices. Once the High Middle Ages came around, Italian merchants were spread out very far across the trading landscape. Some of these trading centers were located in Cairo, Black Sea ports, and Cairo. They traded with people from India and China.