What countries participated in the triangular trade?

What countries participated in the triangular trade?

The Triangular Trade routes, covered England, Europe, Africa, the Americas and the West Indies. The West Indies supplied slaves, sugar, molasses and fruits to the American colonies.

What did England export in the Triangular Trade?

This typically involved exporting raw resources, such as fish (especially salt cod), agricultural produce or lumber, from British North American colonies to slaves and planters in the West Indies; sugar and molasses from the Caribbean; and various manufactured commodities from Great Britain.

What impact did the Triangular Trade have on the Americas?

As more traders began using “triangular trade,” demand for colonial resources rose, which caused two tragic changes in the economy: More and more land was required for the collection of natural resources, resulting in the continuing theft of land from Native Americans.

What was traded on the triangular trade route?

Some items traded were rum, textiles, oil, tobacco, cotton, and slaves. The items traded between each country helped their economies grow and increased diversity in each country. The most memorable occurrence of the Triangular Trade Route was in the 17th and 18th century where slaves were traded from Africa to the new world.

When did the Atlantic triangular slave trade end?

To gain more benefit, the British conceived the route as a three-way journey to maximize their profit, thus creating what is known as the Atlantic triangular slave trade. The trade ended in 1776 in all 13 British colonies due to the American Revolutionary war, which ended with slavery in 1808, it still continued in the Caribbean until the 1800s.

What was the trade between Europe and the Americas?

Columbian Exchange:the transfer of plants, animals, diseases and people between the Americas and Asia, Africa and Europe. Triangular Trade: the trade of raw materials from the Americas to Europe, manufactured goods from Europe to Africa and slaves from Africa to the Americas.

What did the slave trade do for Europe?

Raw materialslike precious metals (gold and silver), tobacco, sugar and cotton went from the Americas to Europe. Manufactured goodslike cloth and metal items went to Africa and the Americas. Finally, slaves went from Africa to the Americas to work. This trade created great profits for Europe.