What chapter does Stanley find a fossil?

What chapter does Stanley find a fossil?

In Chapters 9-12, Stanley settles in at Camp Green Lake. He gains a nickname, finds a fossil, and talks with Mr. Pendanski and the other boys about their lives.

Why is the second hole harder to dig than the first hole?

Stanley is relieved that he completed his first hole, the hardest one. X-Ray corrects him saying that the second hole is the hardest because you are already tired and sore and “the fun’s gone.” Stanley did not want to disagree with X-Ray.

Why is Holes rated PG?

The MPAA rated Holes PG for violence, mild language and some thematic elements.

What kind of fossil has a star shaped hole?

A star-shaped hole in the center of a circular fossil is typical of some crinoid columnals True starfish fossils are rare but can be found in limestones and in western Queensland in sandstones. Some fossil plants may have narrow leaves around a central stem, causing a star-like shape.

Where can you find fossils in the shell shape?

Most shell shape fossils are shells Found around coal deposits in many areas, in limestones, shales and sandstones and around the edges of Australia’s ancient inland sea brachiopod fossils may be of the outside of the shell (called an “external cast”).

What kind of fossil has a nut like shape?

Many nut-shaped fossils are fossil echinoderms called blastoids. Some brachiopods, including the productids have an acorn-like shape. True fossil nuts are a rare type of plant fossil Pentagonal symmetry is common to echinoderms. Top view of a crinoid calyx. Fragmentary plates of crinoids, blastoids, and other echinoderms.

Where does Stanley go after digging his first hole?

Stanley, exhausted after digging his first hole, returns to camp. He enters the recreation room, which is called the wreck room. Everything in the wreck room is broken. Stanley bumps into a large boy who tries to pick a fight with him.