What can you give me since I remain childless?

What can you give me since I remain childless?

Genesis 15 1 But Abram said, “O Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?” And Abram said, “You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.”

How did God’s promise to be Abram’s shield and great reward address Abram’s fear?

How did God’s promise to be Abram’s shield and great reward address Abram’s fears? God told Abram not to be afraid as God is his shield, shows us that God will protect Abram from all harms and worries. After Lot has chosen the better land for himself, God revealed to him that all the land he saw would belong to him.

What is the meaning of Eliezer of Damascus?

His name, “Eliezer of Damascus” is interpreted as meaning that he drew from and provided others with his master’s teachings (Dammesek = doleh u-mashkeh; Yoma 28b). He even resembled Abraham in his physical appearance, and Laban mistook him for his master (Gen. R. 60:7).

How is Eliezer related to Abraham?

The servant of Abraham According to most interpretations, the unnamed “servant, the elder of [Abraham’s] house, that ruled over all that he had,” (Genesis 24:2) who obtained Rebeccah as a bride for Isaac, was the same Eliezer.

How old was Abraham when God promised?

According to the Bible, when Abraham settled in Canaan with his wife, Sarah, he was 75 and childless, but God promised that Abraham’s “seed” would inherit the land and become a nation. He had a son, Ishmael, by his wife’s maidservant, Hagar, and, when Abraham was 100, he and Sarah had a son, Isaac.

What truths about God’s character and Abram’s faith are revealed in Genesis 15?

What truths about God’s character and Abram’s faith are revealed? God revealed himself who brought Abram out of Ur, a deliverer. Abram call on God, Sovereign LORD. Abram wanted to confirm his faith, God instructed, and Abram believes and acts according to God’s instructions to bring the animals.

How did Sarai and Abram show some faith and some unbelief in God’s promise of Genesis 15/4 5?

How did Sarai and Abram show some faith and some unbelief in God’s promise of Genesis 15:4-5? They believe that God will provide them with a son, but they were unsure how they could have happened because Sarai had borne no children. So they took the matter to their own hands; they did not seek God.

What does the name Eliezer mean?

God is my help
e-lie-zer. Origin:Hebrew. Popularity:2090. Meaning:God is my help.

Who is the promise child of Abraham?

Sarah was childless until she was 90 years old. God promised Abraham that she would be “a mother of nations” (Genesis 17:16) and that she would conceive and bear a son, but Sarah did not believe. Isaac, born to Sarah and Abraham in their old age, was the fulfillment of God’s promise to them.

What did Abram say to the Lord God?

But Abram said, “Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?” But Abram replied, “O Sovereign LORD, what good are all your blessings when I don’t even have a son?

Who was Eliezer in the Book of Ezra?

In Ezra 8:16–17, Eliezer is one of eleven priests commissioned by Ezra to find ministers for the house of God in Jerusalem from among the inhabitants of Casiphia. Three other men named Eliezer—a priest, a Levite, and a lay person—were among the sons of priests who had married foreign women ( Ezra 10:18–19, 23, 31 ).

Where did Eliezer find Rebekah in the Bible?

Eliezer traveled some 450 miles, where he found Rebekah in the town of Nahor in Mesopotamia. By offering water to Abraham’s servant, Rebekah revealed that she was God’s chosen wife for Isaac. Eliezer gained permission and blessing from Rebekah’s brother Laban to present her to Isaac (verses 10–59).

What does the name Eliezer mean in the Bible?

Eleven people in the Bible bear the Hebrew name Eliezer, which means “God is my help.”