What borders Democratic Republic of the Congo?

What borders Democratic Republic of the Congo?

Congo is bounded to the north by the Central African Republic and South Sudan; to the east by Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania; to the southeast by Zambia; and to the southwest by Angola. To the west are the country’s short Atlantic coastline, the Angolan exclave of Cabinda, and Congo (Brazzaville).

Which river forms a border between Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Luapula River
The Luapula River is a section of Africa’s second-longest river, the Congo. It is a transnational river forming for nearly all its length part of the border between Zambia and the DR Congo.

What is the main river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo called?

During the period (1971–97) when the Democratic Republic of the Congo was called Zaire, the government also renamed the river the Zaire. Even during that time, however, the river continued to be known throughout the world as the Congo.

What divides Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo?

The Congo-Nile divide runs southeast and then south along the border between South Sudan and Uganda to the east and the Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to the west.

What river separates the capital of the DRC from the capital of the Republic of the Congo?

Kinshasa seen from Brazzaville. The two capitals are separated by the Congo River.

Where is the source of Congo River?

Lake Tanganyika
Chambeshi RiverLake MweruEast African Rift
Congo River/Sources

Which river is on Livingstone Falls?

the Congo River
Livingstone Falls, French Chutes de Livingstone, series of 32 rapids and cataracts on the Congo River, extending for about 220 miles (354 km) between Kinshasa and Matadi in Congo (Kinshasa) and partially along the border with Congo (Brazzaville).

Which river forms a natural boundary between Uganda and Tanzania?

The Kagera flows about 250 miles (400 km) north and east. In its middle course northward it is the boundary between Tanzania and Rwanda; turning eastward, it forms the boundary between Tanzania and Uganda for some distance and then crosses Tanzania to enter Lake Victoria 25 miles north of Bukoba.

Where is Katonga River from?

River Katonga is located in the southwestern part of Uganda. It starts from Lake Victoria and flows, first, northwards into Lake Wamala.

What is the border between Republic of Congo and DRC?

In some areas, the Chiloango River forms the border between the Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo. The same river also forms about half of the border between Cabinda and DRC, and Angola.

Where does the Congo River begin and end?

Congo River A river of central Africa flowing about 4,700 km (2,920 mi) north, west, and southwest through the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the Atlantic Ocean. Its remotest tributaries rise in northern Zambia. For much of its latter course the river forms the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo.

Which is the longest river in Central Africa?

Congo River – a major African river (one of the world’s longest); flows through Congo into the South Atlantic. Zaire River, Congo. Belgian Congo, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zaire – a republic in central Africa; achieved independence from Belgium in 1960.

How big is the Republic of the Congo?

The nation also has a 100-mile coastline with the Atlantic Ocean south of its border with Gabon and to the north of its border point with Cabinda. The nation occupies a total area of 342,000 square miles and is mainly sparsely populated with 37.8 persons per square mile.