What are the major mountain ranges in Bolivia?

What are the major mountain ranges in Bolivia?

The Andes Mountains in Bolivia has the highest elevations in South America with some mountains over 6000 meters (19685 ft) and are divided in the west mountain range also known as cordillera real and the east mountain range with valleys between them called el Altiplano boliviano.

Are there any major bodies of water in Bolivia?

6 INLAND LAKES At 3,805 meters (12,484 feet) above sea level, it is both South America’s largest inland lake and the world’s highest navigable body of water. Lake Titicaca has a length of 222 kilometers (138 miles) and a width of 113 kilometers (70 miles), and contains depths of up to 213 meters (700 feet).

What type of landscape does Bolivia have?

Bolivia’s landscape The west half of the country is dominated by the huge Andes mountains, with steep slopes and snow-capped peaks. Sandwiched between the Andes mountain chains is the Altiplano (a high plateau), where almost half the population lives.

What are physical features in Bolivia?

Bolivia Geography

Geographic Location South America
Terrain rugged Andes Mountains with a highland plateau (Altiplano), hills, lowland plains of the Amazon Basin
Highest Point 6,542 Meters
Highest Point Location Nevado Sajama 6,542 m
Lowest Point 90 Meters

What are Bolivia geographical features?

How many mountain ranges are in Bolivia?

The Bolivian Andes are split in two mountain ranges: the western “Cordillera Occidental” is shared with Peru and Chile.

What deserts are in Bolivia?

4 deserts in Bolivia

  • Deserts in Uyuni. Salar de Uyuni. (196) The desert of Uyuni, located near to the salt mine with the same name, is a dry plateau, with an altitude of three thousand feet,
  • Deserts in Sur Lípez. Salvador Dalí Desert. (7)
  • Deserts in Sur Lípez. Siloli Desert.
  • Deserts in Nor Lípez. Salar de Chiguana.

What are some famous landmarks in Bolivia?

Three famous monuments in Bolivia are Cerro Rico, Lake Titicaca, and Tiwanaku.

What are some characteristics of Bolivia’s landforms?

Bolivia is a landlocked South American country surrounded by magnificent landforms. These naturally occurring geological features include a mythical lake, moon-like landscapes, tabletop mountains, surreal salt flats and craggy rock formations.

What are Bolivia’s landmarks?

Lake Titicaca. Lapping the shores of Copacabana,Lake Titicaca is not only one of Bolivia’s most beautiful and treasured landmarks,but is also the highest navigable lake in the world.

  • Tiwanaku.
  • La Paz.
  • Yungas Road.
  • Madidi National Park.
  • The Chiquitania Region.
  • Oruro Carnaval.
  • Sucre.
  • Cerro Rico Potosi.
  • Salar de Uyuni.
  • Does Bolivia have rivers and lakes?

    The main lakes and rivers of the Highland river basin are the following: Titicaca Lake. The main water mass in the highlands covers an extension of 8030km2 (3131.7mi2) It is 200km (120mi) long, and 60km (37mi) wide. Desaguadero. It is the main river in the highlands with approximately 383km (237mi) long. It drains into Uru uru, and the Popoo lakes. Its main tributary is the Mauri river. Coipasa. This is the second largest Salt lake in the Bolivian highlands. Several rivers end at the salt lake being its main tributaries the Lauca, and the Sabaya rivers.