What are the factors that affect the fruit bearing trees?

What are the factors that affect the fruit bearing trees?

Factors Affecting Growth of Fruit Trees

  • Sunshine. Exposure to sunlight is vital the growth of fruit trees, with most species requiring six to eight hours of full sun every day.
  • Soil. Proper soil is imperative to the survival and growth of fruit trees.
  • Fertilizer.
  • Weeds.

Why an apple tree doesn’t produce fruit?

Answer: The lack of fruit is likely due to the absence of flowers, poor pollination, or low temperatures during bloom. The lack of flowers is often due to the age of the tree. After planting, most dwarf and semi-dwarf apple trees don’t flower and bear fruit for 3 to 5 years.

What are the factors that affect the production of fruit?

Post-harvest life of fruits and vegetables is governed by water content, respiratory rate, ethylene production, endogenous plant hormones, and exogenous factors such as microbial growth, temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric compositions.

What are the factors that affect the growth of fruit and tree crops?

There are four primary factors that affect plant growth: light, water, temperature and nutrients. These four elements affect the plant’s growth hormones, making the plant grow more quickly or more slowly. Changing any of the four can cause the plant stress which stunts or changes growth, or improves growth.

How can we increase fruit production?


  1. Protect the fruit tree, vine or bush from pest damage.
  2. Fertilise regularly and well.
  3. Avoid pruning fruit trees too heavily.
  4. Consider using espaliering if you want fruit trees close to the house, within easy reach for regular care.

How much fruit does an apple tree produce?

How many apples does an apple tree produce? From 0 to over 800. A very good yield for a well-cared apple tree grown in a backyard is about 80-150 fruits per season.

What does an apple tree need to grow?

Apple trees need full-sun conditions to thrive. Apple trees will do their best when they are planted in well-drained soil that doesn’t get too wet. They should never be planted in low-lying or wet patches; that’s a job for willows and bald cypress!

Why are my fruit trees not fruiting?

There are many reasons for a lack of a fruit crop, such as frost damage, poor pollination, competition with other crops for nutrients, inadequate sun exposure and more. A fourth reason fruit trees don’t bear fruit is the effect from last year’s crop. Fruit trees form their flowers the previous growing season.

Why are my apple trees not producing fruit?

Excess Vigor. Overly vigorous apple trees will experience an excessive amount of vegetative growth at the expense of flower and fruit production. Overfertilization or heavy pruning are most likely to be responsible for excessive vegetative growth. Apple trees with terminal shoot growth that measures between 12 and 18 inches are considered…

How does thinning affect the size of an apple?

Reducing the crop load (also called thinning) allows the fruit that remain to become larger. Thinning increases fruit size largely by providing resources for increasing the cell number of the remaining fruit. Generally, the earlier that thinning is performed, the greater the success in increasing fruit size.

When do apple trees produce?

Apple trees naturally do not begin to flower and produce fruit reliably until they are several years old. Some apples will not bear a significant amount of fruit until they are 5 to 10 years old, although apple trees grown on dwarf rootstocks may flower and fruit after only two or three years.

How are weeds affecting the growth of fruit trees?

The roots of trees also suffer when weeds flourish, as they must reach further into the ground, away from the nutrient-rich top 2 feet of soil. Weeds also steal nitrogen, making fertilizing ineffective. Additionally, various pests and rodents hide in weeds, exposing trees to harm.