What are the disadvantages of modern transportation?

What are the disadvantages of modern transportation?


  • Seasonal Nature: Motor transport is not as reliable as rail transport.
  • Accidents and Breakdowns: There are more chances of accidents and breakdowns in case of motor transport.
  • Unsuitable for Long Distance and Bulky Traffic:
  • Slow Speed:
  • Lack of Organisation:

What are the advantage and disadvantage of roadways?

Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Road Transport

Advantages Disadvantages
Less investment Unstable and unpredictable
More flexible and does not revolve around a fixed schedule Comparatively slower than other modes.
Less risk of Damage Not suitable for heavy cargo

What is the disadvantage of air transport?

DISADVANTAGES OF AIR TRANSPORT Air Transport carries certain disadvantages too and they are: (i) Cost of operating airlines is very high and so freight cost is very high as compared to sea transport. (ii) It is difficult to carry bulky, awkwardly shaped goods. (iii) Very risky in case of accident.

What are the problems of road transport?

What are the Problems faced in Road Transport in India?

  • Inadequate Roads: Roads are bad and inadequate in India.
  • Heavy Taxes: ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • No proper Maintenance:
  • Lack of Co-ordination:
  • Less Roads in Rural Areas:
  • Lack of Guest Houses:
  • Inefficient Management and Services:
  • Rising Prices of Petrol/Diesel:

What are the disadvantages of using air transport over road transport?

Disadvantages of Air Transport

  • Risky. Air travel is the riskiest mode of transport, since there can be considerable losses to goods, customer and crews as a result of a minor crash.
  • Cost.
  • Some Product Limitation.
  • Capacity for Small Carriage.
  • Enormous investment.

What is the biggest disadvantage of waterway transportation?

Disadvantages of Water Transport:

  • Slow Speed: ADVERTISEMENTS: It is a slow means of transport. Failure of monsoon results into fall in the water level of rivers making navigation difficult.
  • More Risky: Water transport is more risky as compared to other means because there is always danger of sinking ships or boats.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of land transport?

Disadvantages: Land transport is slower. Destinations are more limited. Runs on more fuel, if using a land vehicle. Advantages: Land transport is safer than sea transport.

What are the disadvantages of Street Transportation?

Disadvantages of street transport. 1.Create a lot of noise coming from hooting of the cars. 2. Less safe while people can be hi-jacked and robbed during transportation. 3. Can lead to congestion in populated towns hence slow.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of air transport?

One of the biggest advantages of air transport is a quicker travel time. One disadvantage of air transport is the crowded spaces within an airplane. What is the advantages and disadvantages of sea transportation?

What are the disadvantages of using motor transport?

2. Accidents and Breakdowns: There are more chances of accidents and breakdowns in case of motor transport. Thus, motor transport is not as safe as rail transport. 3. Unsuitable for Long Distance and Bulky Traffic: This mode of transport is unsuitable and costly for transporting cheap and bulky goods over long distances.