What are the classes of IP addresses?

What are the classes of IP addresses?

IP address classes

Class Address range
Class A to
Class B to
Class C to
Class D to

What is a Class B IP address?

Class B IP addresses are used for medium and large-sized networks in enterprises and organizations. They support up to 65,000 hosts on 16,000 individual networks. Class C addresses are most common and used in small business and home networks. These support up to 256 hosts on each of 2 million networks.

What class is a 192.168 IP address?

Class C
Class C: 192.168.

What is Class A Class B Class C IP address?

If the first number is between 0 and 127 inclusive, the address is class A. If the first number is between 128 and 191 inclusive, the address is class B. If the first number is between 192 and 223 inclusive, the address is class C. If the first number is between 224 and 239 inclusive, the address is class D.

Why are IP addresses categorized as different classes?

The system of IP address classes was developed for the purpose of Internet IP addresses assignment. The classes created were based on the network size. For example, for the small number of networks with a very large number of hosts, the Class A was created.

What is IP address class AB and C?

For any given IP address, the address class is easy to determine. If the first number is between 0 and 127 inclusive, the address is class A. If the first number is between 128 and 191 inclusive, the address is class B. If the first number is between 192 and 223 inclusive, the address is class C.

What is a Class C IP?

Class C. In a Class C network, the first two bits are set to 1, and the third bit is set to 0. That makes the first 24 bits of the address the network address and the remainder as the host address. Class C network addresses range from 192.0. 0.0 to 223.255.

Why is Class C used?

“Class C” IPv4 addresses are used for small-sized networks. First three octets of a “Class C” network IP address is used to identify the “Network part” and the remaining one octet is used to identify a host uniquely within that network.

Which is an example of a Class A IP address?

An example of a Class A address is Here, “102” helps you identify the network and 168.212.226 identify the host. Class A addresses to cannot be used and is reserved for loopback and diagnostic functions. In a B class IP address, the binary addresses start with 10.

What is the decimal number for a B class IP address?

In a B class IP address, the binary addresses start with 10. In this IP address, the class decimal number that can be between 128 to 191. The number 127 is reserved for loopback, which is used for internal testing on the local machine.

What are the two parts of an IP address?

IP Address is divided into two parts: 1 Prefix: The prefix part of IP address identifies the physical network to which the computer is attached. . Prefix is… 2 Suffix: The suffix part identifies the individual computer on the network. The suffix is also called the host address. More

Which is the suffix part of an IP address?

Prefix is also known as a network address. Suffix: The suffix part identifies the individual computer on the network. The suffix is also called the host address. In this networking tutorial, you will learn: What is an IP Address?