What are the advantages and disadvantages of a private enterprise?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a private enterprise?

Advantages and disadvantages of Private Limited Company

  • No Minimum Capital.
  • Separate Legal Entity.
  • Limited Liability.
  • Fund Raising.
  • Free & Easy transfer of shares.
  • Uninterrupted existence.
  • FDI Allowed.
  • Builds Credibility.

What are the features of public enterprise?


  • They are state owned.
  • It is created by specific government status, it may be by edit or by law.
  • It is subject to company law, but only the company type.
  • It has a legal personality.
  • It can sue or be sued.
  • It is finance differently from others.
  • It can generate it funds from either by shares.

What is the main advantage of a public corporation over a private corporation?

The main advantage public companies have is their ability to tap the financial markets by selling stock (equity) or bonds (debt) to raise capital (i.e., cash) for expansion and other projects. Bonds are a form of a loan that a publicly held company can take from an investor.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of going public?


  • Fundraising. The most often cited advantage of an initial public offering is money.
  • Exit opportunity.
  • Publicity and credibility.
  • Reduced overall cost of capital.
  • Stock as a means of payment.
  • Additional regulatory requirements and disclosures.
  • Market pressures.
  • Potential loss of control.

What are three disadvantages of a private enterprise system?


  • income and wealth are unevenly distributed.
  • economic periods ob boom and bust.
  • unemployment and underemployment may occur.
  • consumers may be manipulated through advertising.
  • producers can influence prices through the creation of cartels.
  • not all resources are used efficiently.

What are the three basic characteristics of public enterprises?

Public enterprises are business organizations established and run by the government. It has some distinct features or characteristics such as government ownership and control, main motive of service, autonomy, continuity etc. Public enterprises are business enterprises established by government.

What is the difference between public enterprise and private enterprise?

Private enterprise refers to the enterprise owned, managed and controlled by private persons. Public enterprise refers to the enterprise owned, manage and controlled by government. Private enterprise involves funds from individuals. Public enterprise involves funds from government.

What are the reasons for establishing public enterprise?

Reasons for Establishing Public Corporations

  • To provide essential services at low costs.
  • To establish corporations that require enormous capital which an individual might not be able to afford.
  • To avoid duplication of services.
  • For price control and consumer protection.
  • To prevent unhealthy competition.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Public Enterprises?

• Provide essential facilities like education, health, free or at reduced prices. • Ensures efficient control of industry. • Expert administrative services. • Private monopoly which would cause high prices is avoided. • Foreign denominations of the economy are avoided. Disadvantages of Public Enterprises.

What are the benefits of a public corporation?

Economies of scale: Since they operate on a large scale, public corporation can reap the benefits of economies of scale. The benefits derived from economies of scale can be passed on to the general public in the form of cheaper prices, stable prices, better quality of service etc.

Who is the owner of a public enterprise?

So it is an undertaking owned and controlled by the local or state or central government.

How are public corporations owned by the government?

Public corporations are also referred to as state-owned enterprises and nationalized industries. Such corporations are owned by the government, as the business must register securities in the stock market before selling to the public. The chairman and board of managers in a public corporation are appointed by the government.