What are the 5 countries in northern Europe?

What are the 5 countries in northern Europe?

Here are the ten countries that make up Northern Europe:

  • Norway.
  • Sweden.
  • Denmark.
  • Finland.
  • Iceland.
  • United Kingdom.
  • Ireland.
  • Lithuania.

What are the landforms South Europe?

The southern part of Europe contains three major peninsulas: The Iberian Peninsula is home to Spain and Portugal. The Pyrenees Mountains block off this peninsula from the rest of Europe. The Italian Peninsula is home to Italy.

What are three facts about Europe?

Facts about Europe

  • Population: about 740 million.
  • Land Area: 9,908,600 square kilometres (or 3,825,730 square miles) – it’s about a third of the size of Africa.
  • Countries: 46 countries (of which 27 are members of the European Union or EU).
  • Highest Peak: Mount Elbrus in Russia stands at 5,643 metres above sea level.

Which is an example of a landform feature?

Examples of distinctive landforms include mountains, valleys, plateaus, glaciers, hills, loess, deserts, shorelines, and plains. Features such as volcanoes, lakes, rivers, mid-ocean ridges, and the great ocean basins are also part of landform features. “ A landform is a natural feature of the solid surface of the Earth or other planetary body.

Where are the major landforms of Europe located?

These forms are all roughly arranged in bands that run from east to west. The Western Uplands, formed of hard, ancient rock shaped by glaciation, defines the north portion and west coastline of Europe, including Spain, French Brittany, the British Isles and Scandinavia.

Which is the largest group of landforms in the world?

Oceans and continents illustrate the largest grouping of landforms. They are they further subcategorized into many different landforms based on their physical features and shapes. Examples of distinctive landforms include mountains, valleys, plateaus, glaciers, hills, loess, deserts, shorelines, and plains.

What kind of Natural Resources does Europe have?

Europe has abundant supplies of two natural resources —coal and iron ore—needed for an industrialized economy. The map above shows a band of coal deposits stretching from the United Kingdom across to Belgium and the Netherlands and from there to France, Germany, and Poland. Near many of these coal deposits are iron ore deposits.