What are the 14 skull bones?

What are the 14 skull bones?

In the human skull, the facial skeleton consists of fourteen bones in the face:

  • Inferior turbinal (2)
  • Lacrimal bones (2)
  • Mandible.
  • Maxilla (2)
  • Nasal bones (2)
  • Palatine bones (2)
  • Vomer.
  • Zygomatic bones (2)

What is the other name of skull?

Explanation: In anatomy and physiology the skull is mostly referred to as the cranium. It is sometimes called the braincase as this part of the skull contains the brain.

What is the name of bone top of skull?

This cavity is bounded superiorly by the rounded top of the skull, which is called the calvaria (skullcap), and the lateral and posterior sides of the skull. The bones that form the top and sides of the brain case are usually referred to as the “flat” bones of the skull.

How many skull bones are there?

Anatomy and function There are eight cranial bones, each with a unique shape: Frontal bone. This is the flat bone that makes up your forehead. It also forms the upper portion of your eye sockets.

How many different types of bones are there?

The four principal types of bones are long, short, flat and irregular. Bones that are longer than they are wide are called long bones.

What are the eight bones of the cranium?

The cranium is a subdivision of the skull that consists of 8 bones, which enclose the brain. The eight bones include ethmoid, frontal, occipital, parietal (2), sphenoid, and temporal (2). Among these bones, parietal bones and the frontal bone are the largest. The main role of the cranium is to protect the brain.

What are the cranial bones?

The cranial bones are a group of eight different bones that make up the cranium or top portion of the skull. The frontal bone forms a part of the structure that holds the frontal lobes of the brain. The temporal bones, which lie beneath the temples and contain the external ear canal, are considered cranial bones.

What is the anatomy of the skull?

Anatomy of the skull. The cranium (skull) is the skeletal structure of the head that supports the face and protects the brain. It is subdivided into the facial bones and the brain case, or cranial vault. The facial bones underlie the facial structures, form the nasal cavity, enclose the eyeballs, and support the teeth of the upper and lower jaws.