What are some variations among the shark species?

What are some variations among the shark species?

What are the different types of shark species

  • 1 Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus)
  • 2 Angelshark (Squatina)
  • 3 Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)
  • 4 Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrnidae)
  • 5 Zebra Shark (Stegostoma fasciatum)
  • 6 Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus)
  • 7 Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas)

What are sharks traits?

There are seven anatomic characteristics of sharks:

  • Cartilage Skeleton.
  • Skin covered with dermal denticles.
  • Powerful Jaws.
  • Efficient Liver.
  • Anatomic Tail.
  • Dynamic Fins.
  • Highly Developed Senses.

What would happen if all sharks died?

“If the sharks disappear, the little fish explode in population, because nothing’s eating them,” Daly-Engel told Live Science. “Pretty soon, their food — plankton, microorganisms, little shrimps — all of that is gone, so all the little fish ultimately starve.”

Is a nurse shark a shark?

The nurse shark is a common large inshore shark (primarily benthic) inhabiting the continental and insular shelves throughout tropical and subtropical waters within its range.

What is the primary characteristic of a shark?

Sharks are a group of elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five to seven gill slits on the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are not fused to the head.

What is a shark adaptation?

Adaptations. Shark bodies have a torpedo shape to reduce drag in the water. White sharks have stiffer tail fins and more symmetrical bodies than other sharks, which enable them to move more efficiently through the water.

What are the four different ways that sharks reproduce?

Their physical characteristics, habitats, and behaviors vary greatly among the species. These biological variances include how sharks reproduce. There are four different ways that sharks reproduce: Viviparous, oviparous, ovoviviparous, and asexually. The differences depend on the species and sometimes, environmental pressures.

What kind of shark is called a basking shark?

Other common names for the basking shark include elephant shark, bone shark, or sail-fish. All these shark names refer to different identifying features of this shark species. Dogfish are small sharks that include many species. In the picture: spiny dogfish Some of the smallest species of sharks are dogfish sharks belonging to the family Squalidae.

How are great white sharks an example of natural selection?

Natural selection: a mechanism for the evolution of a population to become better adapted to their local environment over many generations. Some of the main principles of natural selection are variation, overpopulation, adaptation, and descent with modifications. Great white sharks are one of the most abiding success stories.

How are sharks different from all other animals?

The Four Unique Ways Sharks Reproduce 1 The Reproductive Anatomy Of Sharks. Shark sexual organs are very different from other animals. 2 Shark Mating Habits. Since shark mating is difficult to observe in the wild, very little is know about shark mating habits. 3 Particular Breeders. 4 Shark Fetus Development. 5 Asexual Reproduction.