What are some lacrosse terms?

What are some lacrosse terms?

Learn lacrosse lingo

  • Apple. An assist.
  • Behind-the-back (BTB) Either for a pass or shot.
  • Boarding. Hitting an opposing player into the boards.
  • Bouncer. A shot that bounces off the turf.
  • Celly. Celebration.
  • Cradle.
  • Coast to coast.
  • Cross check.

What is slang for lacrosse?

Lax: Short for Lacrosse.

What does cheddar mean in lacrosse?

Tilt – This is the angle in which your lacrosse helmet is tilted downwards. Many lacrosse players take tilt more seriously than you would think! Top Cheddar – This is a slang term for when a lacrosse player shoots the ball high on the net and scores.

What does I’m hot mean in lacrosse?

The term ‘hot’ in lacrosse refers to the defensive player that is the first to abandon his assigned man to stop the offensive player with the ball from having a free path to the goal. Once a defender is beat in a one-on-one situation, the ‘hot’ man must leave his assignment to be the second line of defense.

What does a lax bro mean?

Lax Bro 2: “It is someone who likes to wear all the lacrosse stuff wherever they are and talks about lacrosse all the time.” Lax Bro 3: “Someone who plays a lot of lacrosse, enjoys hanging out, being sort of lackadaisical Everyone has their own opinion of a lax bro.

What does BraveHeart mean in lacrosse?

A “BraveHeart” is used at tournaments and camps to decide a tie game. It’s a one vs one full field face off with goalies in their nets. We incorporate life lessons into the game of lacrosse, to help our athletes succeed both on and off the field.

What does fire mean in lacrosse?

FIRE or SLIDE – Indicates that the on ball defender is beat and the must team must slide. This call must also be delivered loud and with urgency.

How does a player get the ball in a lacrosse game?

During a face-off, a player from each team places his stick right next to the ball until the referee blows the whistle, at which the lacrosse game begins to get the possession of the ball. During the face-off, only midfielders can move in the field for securing the ball.

Do you need to know penalties for lacrosse?

Beginners and intermediate players should know these penalties in order to avoid putting their team at a disadvantage (as penalties often result in loss of the ball and/or in man-down situations ). However, please be aware that lacrosse penalties vary between youth, high school and college play.

What do you call the stick in lacrosse?

The lacrosse stick is known as ‘crosse’. It is used to carry, catch and pass the ball with the purpose of stopping your opponents from gaining points or score. When the opposite team has the ball, the team defending can try to divert them using crosse against opponents’ bodies or sticks. The Lacrosse Game Play

How does a face off work in lacrosse?

Whenever the game starts or restarts after each quarter, there is a face-off between the players. This face-off not like a fight. During a face-off, a player from each team places his stick right next to the ball until the referee blows the whistle, at which the lacrosse game begins to get the possession of the ball.