Is secondary education compulsory in Jamaica?

Is secondary education compulsory in Jamaica?

Secondary education in Jamaica is not compulsory, although deliberations are under way to make it so in the future for all children under 18.

What is the education Act in Jamaica?

An act to repeal the education law, to provide for a coordinated system of public education, the registration and inspection of independent schools and the registration of teachers, and for purposes incidental to or connected with the matters.

What is the purpose of the education Act in Jamaica?

The Education Act of 1965 further regulated the system “….to meet the needs for greater self-financing capability, a better definition of Jamaica’s educational goals and the expansion of the system to meet both individual and national needs” Thus, four educational levels were defined: Early Childhood, Primary.

What subjects are mandatory in high school?

The mandatory subjects which are taught in US high schools include:

  • Science- biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Mathematics- statistics, algebra, geometry and calculus.
  • English- oral languages, humanities, literature and composition.
  • Social Sciences- history, geography and economics.

What is education regulations?

(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Central Council may, subject to the approval of the Central Government, make regulations, to be called the Education Regulations, prescribing the minimum standard of education required for qualification as a pharmacist.

Who is responsible for education in Jamaica?

the Ministry of Education
Education in Jamaica is administered primarily by the Ministry of Education (MOE), through its head office and six regional offices.

What are the requirements to be a teacher in Jamaica?

Qualifications. Qualifications for teaching in Jamaica vary, though most positions will require teachers to have a Bachelor’s degree. The certification process may vary from that of North America or the UK, though teachers that have a valid teaching license will be offered a more competitive salary.

What subject is mandatory?

A compulsory subject is one within your program structure that must be completed in order to fulfil the requirements of the program. You will not be eligible to graduate unless you meet all of the requirements for your program.