Is halon gas heavier than air?

Is halon gas heavier than air?

Toxic Properties of Halon: The toxicity of Halon 1211 and 1301 is very low; Halon is not considered a carcinogen or cancer-suspect agent. Since it is heavier than air (vapor density = 5.2), it could, however, cause suffocation by displacing oxygen and thereby reducing its availability.

What is the difference between Halon 1301 and 1211?

Halon 1211 is a “streaming agent,” and more commonly used in hand-held extinguishers because it discharges mostly as a liquid stream. Halon 1301 is a “flooding agent,” and discharges mostly as a gas, allowing it to penetrate tight spaces and behind obstacles and baffles.

What is the density of a fire extinguisher?

1.56 g/L.
At this temperature, it has a density of 1.56 g/L.

Is Halon 1211 a clean agent?

Halon is a fire suppressant agent found in both Fire Suppression Systems (Halon 1301) and in hand held Fire Extinguishers (Halon 1211). This is the most effective extinguishing agent available. Halon is a clean agent, which means it leaves no residue when used, so it causes no damage to your property.

What is Halon 1211 made of?

Bromochlorodifluoromethane (BCF), also referred to by the code numbers Halon 1211 and Freon 12B1, is a haloalkane with the chemical formula CF2ClBr. It is used for fire suppression, especially for expensive equipment or items that could be damaged by the residue from other types of extinguishers.

Why is halon banned?

While Halon is considered a clean agent by The National Fire Protection Association because it’s electrically non-conducting and does not leave a residue, Halon has an extremely high potential for ozone depletion and contributes to global warming potential. …

What is a disadvantage of halon fire extinguishers?

Disadvantages: Generally >35% concentration by volume required for total flooding system. Toxic to humans at >4% by volume. Not the best agent for smoldering deep-seated fires (maintain concentration for >20 minutes)

Is halon more effective than CO2?

It’s a non-corrosive clean agent, which means it won’t damage items it comes into contact with. It won’t shock-cool your avionics. It’s lighter and more efficient than CO2.

Is Halon safe to breathe?

Overall, Halon is safe around humans and can be used in occupied spaces. Halon suppression systems became widely properly because Halon is a low-toxicity, chemically stable compound that does not damage sensitive equipment, documents, and valuable assets.

What is a disadvantage of Halon fire extinguishers?

How long do Halon fire extinguishers last?

Halon fire extinguishers require the same six year maintenance and 12 year hydro test that other fire extinguishers require.

How long do halon fire extinguishers last?

What is the boiling point of Halon 1211?

BCF or Halon 1211 is CF2 ClBr; the numbers refer to the numbers of bromine, fluorine, and chlorine atoms in the molecule. It has a boiling point of – 4 °C, and thus it is easily liquefied by pressure at room temperature and has a vapor pressure of 2.4 bar at 25 °C and its vapor density is 6.7 g L – 1 at 1 bar and 25 °C.

What are the side effects of Halon 1211?

Adverse health effects and symptoms: Halon 1211 is a simple asphyxiate. The gas is heavier than air and may accumulate in low spaces causing a deficiency of oxygen and cause rapid suffocation. Symptoms include drowsiness and unconsciousness. If people are intoxicated with fluorocarbons, strenuous exercise can result in arrhythmia.

When did Halon 1211 stop being used in fire extinguishers?

Halon 1211 (Bromochlorodifluoromethane) is a streaming agent that is effective on all common types of fires (A, B, C). Production of this Halon ceased in 1994 as part of the Montreal Protocol, however, recycling of Halon 1211 allows it to remain in use. Halon 1211 is largely used as a streaming agent in portable, hand held fire extinguishers.

What are the ASTM requirements for Halon 1211?

Shall conform to the following requirements Property Requirement Halon 1211 purity, % by mol, min 99.0 Acidity, ppm by mass, max 3.0 Water content, ppm by mass, max 20 Nonvolatile residue, % by weight, max 0.02 Suspended matter or sediment None visible Color Report value Table 1: Requirements 6 6 6 04/2009 6 Material Requirements