Is a blue tit a predator?

The blue tit is well known as an important predator of several species of aphids, and doubtless makes an important contribution to the biological control of aphids in gardens where supplementary feeding ensures artificially high blue tit populations. They appear to especially target aphids when feeding older nestlings.

Is a blue tit a titmouse?

Tom tit is a shortened version of ‘Tom titmouse’, which is an old English folk name for the common UK garden visitor, the blue tit. This name also refers to the treecreeper in some parts of Ireland and the wren in Norfolk. The word titmouse stems from the Middle English word titmose.

What animals eat blue tit birds?

Main predators include grey squirrels and great spotted woodpeckers. In the past, nesting blue tits have been taken over by tree sparrows. But this is hardly a threat nowadays following a dramatic decline in tree sparrow numbers. The prey of the Blue Tit are insects, such as coccids and aphids.

Are red cardinals and blue jays related?

Blue jays and cardinals are not related. Blue jays are part of the Corvidae family of birds including magpies, jackdaws, ravens, rooks, and crows. Cardinals are members of the Cardinalidae family, which is made up of grosbeaks, buntings, and cardinals.

Are Blue Jays mean birds?

Blue jays have a reputation for being aggressive but this just a manifestation of their territorial behavior. Blue jays are not inherently mean but they are fierce protectors of their nests and food sources. Blue jays are one of those bird species that we have unfair preconceptions about.

Is a Robin classed as a songbird?

The American robin (Turdus migratorius) is a migratory songbird of the true thrush genus and Turdidae, the wider thrush family.

What species are considered songbirds?

songbird, also called passerine, any member of the suborder Passeri (or Oscines), of the order Passeriformes, including about 4,000 species—nearly half the world’s birds—in 35 to 55 families. Most cage birds belong to this group.