How were the mycenaeans different from the Minoans?

How were the mycenaeans different from the Minoans?

The only differences are their iconographic elements. Minoans relied heavily on religious iconography, depicting the images of their gods and especially goddesses. Unlike Minoans, known for their peaceful thalassocracy, the Mycenaean society was oriented towards war and expansion, and it showed in their art.

What made cities in Crete different from those of other ancient civilizations?

How did cities in Crete differ from cities in other ancient civilizations? At the heart of each city stood a palace, and cities did not have walls around them. Minoan cities were near the sea, they did not have walls.

What did the Minoans and Mycenaeans have in common How were the two civilizations different?

What did the Minoans and the Mycenaeans have in common? Also, the Minoans lived on an island and the Mycenaeans lived on the mainland. Another that makes them different is that the Minoans traded peacefully, but the Mycenaeans fought for land and built fortresses and established colonies.

What are the characteristics of Minoan civilization?

Labyrinth-like palace complexes, vivid frescoes depicting scenes such as bull-leaping and processions, fine gold jewellery, elegant stone vases, and pottery with vibrant decorations of marine life are all particular features of Minoan Crete.

What was civilization like for the Minoans on Crete?

The Minoans were not only farmers of olives, but fine craftsmen, making pieces of jewelry, pottery, seals and figurines. Their bronze work places this civilization in the Bronze Age. At the height of their civilization, between 2,000-1400 BC, the Minoans developed a palace-centered civilization.

What was the most important factor that created changes in the Minoan civilizations?

What was the most important factor that created changes in the Minoan civilization? They were a seagoing power influenced by ideas outside Greece. After the Mycenaeans defeated the Minoans, they adopted elements of the Minoan culture.

What was the most distinguishing factor of the Minoans they flourished on the island of Crete?

What was the most distinguishing factor of the Minoans they flourished on the island of Crete They were a great seagoing power traded in bronze? The correct answer is B) They were a great seagoing power. The most distinguishing factor of the Minoans was that they were a great seagoing power.