How many different combinations can be used for a combination lock with 60 numbers?

How many different combinations can be used for a combination lock with 60 numbers?

Read more carefully. what do i do then?!?! would i multiply 60*59*58 which equals 205320?!

How many 5 number combinations are there using numbers 1 69?

3,176,880 different ways
Step 1: Calculate the number of ways in which 1 number can be chosen correctly out of 5 numbers drawn from 69 unique numbers. This means that there are 3,176,880 different ways in which 1 number out of 5 numbers drawn from a field of 69 numbers can be chosen correctly.

How many different three number combinations are possible on a combination lock having numbers on its dial?

How many combinations of three number codes can occur with a standard combination lock? The range of possible numbers is 0-39 which allows 40 different possible choices each turn of the dial. Each combination requires exactly three numbers (i.e. three turns of the dial).

How many possible combinations does a lock have?

FACT: most master\lock padlocks have around 64,000 possible combinations. ANOTHER FACT: this instructable ( if done properly) will turn 64,000 into 100.

How many combinations does a combination lock have?

How many combinations of three number codes can occur with a standard combination lock? The range of possible numbers is 0-39 which allows 40 different possible choices each turn of the dial. Each combination requires exactly three numbers (i.e. three turns of the dial). E.g. 35-40-5.

How to calculate the number of possible combinations?

To calculate the number of possible combinations of n non-repeating elements from a set of r types of elements, the formula is: If the elements can repeat in the combination, the formula is: In both formulas “!” denotes the factorial operation: multiplying the sequence of integers from 1 up to that number.

How many possible combinations are there in NCR?

It will list all possible combinations, too! However, be aware that 792 different combinations are already quite a lot of to show. To avoid a situation where there are too many generated combinations, we limited this combination generator to a certain, maximum number of combinations (2000 by default).

How many possible combinations are there for the 5 white balls?

Once a ball is drawn, that number cannot be repeated. For the five white balls, there are 5,006,386 combinations that may be drawn. Because there are 35 red balls, the total number of combinations for the white balls is multiplied by 35. Therefore, the total number of possible combinations is 175,223,510.

How many possible combinations can you make with one element?

If you choose only one element r = 1 at once from that set, the number of combinations will be 12 – because there are 12 different balls. However, if you choose r = 12 elements, there’ll be only 1 possible combination that includes every ball. Try it by yourself with the n choose r calculator!