How does Turtle react to the picture of Rosalie?

How does Turtle react to the picture of Rosalie?

How does Turtle react to the picture of Rosalie? She learns to love and to accept love, too.

How does Turtle change in the Westing Game?

Turtle has changed a lot since the beginning of the book not only her personality but her physical appearance. She went from being mean and stuck up to someone that actually cares. She took all the blame for the four bombs to make sure Angela didn’t get in trouble. In the start of the book she almost hated Angela.

What is the significance of turtles comment that her mother would be upset if she knew who the real bomber was?

What is the significance of Turtle’s comment that her mother would be upset if she knew who the real bomber was? Angela is the perfect child in Grace’s eyes and she wouldn’t believe Turtle. Which of the heirs does Judge Ford think may be Sam Westing’s former wife?

What does Turtle confess to the judge in The Westing Game?

What does Turtle confess to the judge? She accidentally confesses to being in the Westing House the night Mr. Westing died. Judge Ford thinks it may be Crow.

How old is turtle in the Westing Game?

Tabitha Ruth “Turtle” Wexler is a 13 year old girl with brown hair usually tied in a braid. She lives in Apartment 3D with her mother, father, and her sister, Angela. She is often looked down on by her mother, who favors Angela over Turtle. A lot of people think that she is a brat, because she kicks people in the shin if they touch her braid.

How did Rosalie die in the Westing Game?

She was hit by a car. She killed herself. She fell off a horse. She had pneumonia. Q. How old was Rosalie when she died? Q. What advise did Turtle give to Angela? She told Angela not to say anything. She told Angela to get out of the hospital. She told Angela not to trust her partner. She told Angela where to put the next bomb.

What are the connections in the Westing Game?

Turtle plays the stock market. The connections are that Grace claims that Sam Westing is her real uncle, and Angela looks like Violet… but so does Grace, though she’s older. Sandy tells the judge that Jake is a bookie, and she says that Sam Westing was much worse since he cheated and bribed, even though he had no vices.

How is Grace Wexler related to Sam Westing?

Grace Wexler. She is very picky and stubborn, and always favors her daughter Angela over Turtle. She also repeatedly brags to others about her “Perfect” Angela, and how she is getting married to a Doctor. She insists that she is actually related to Sam Westing without knowing it. She listed her position in the Westing Game as “Heiress.”…