How does the nervous system work during a reflex action?

How does the nervous system work during a reflex action?

A reflex action often involves a very simple nervous pathway called a reflex arc. A reflex arc starts off with receptors being excited. They then send signals along a sensory neuron to your spinal cord, where the signals are passed on to a motor neuron. As a result, one of your muscles or glands is stimulated.

What is reflex action give examples of reflex action?

Reflex action is defined as an unconscious and involuntary response of effectors to a stimulus. Example, on touching a hot object (stimulus), we immediately remove our hand from it. Other example from daily life are watering of mouth on seeing food, sneezing, blinking of eyes and yawning.

Which is the correct definition of a reflex action?

REFLEX ACTION: A reflex, or reflex action, is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus. A reflex is made possible by neural pathways called reflex arcs which can act on an impulse before that impulse reaches the brain.

Why do we have reflexes in our body?

Reflex is an involuntary and sudden response to stimuli. It happens to be an integral component of the famed survival instinct. Most of the common reflexes are a response to all the well trained, accumulated knowledge of caution that we have internalized.

What is the neural pathway that controls reflexes?

The neural pathway that controls the reflexes occurs through the reflex arc. It acts on an impulse even before it reaches the brain. There are some stimuli that require an automatic, instantaneous response without the need of conscious thought. The following diagram shows the reflex arc pathway.

How is a reflex arc formed in the body?

Answers: In reflex actions, a reflex arc is formed by impulses from the receptor reaching the spinal cord and the appropriate reflex impulse then being sent to the muscles by the spinal cord. The impulse is not sent to the brain, to reduce response time.