How does geographical location affect health care?

How does geographical location affect health care?

Geography may directly affect an individual’s health status, through environment or less tangible geographical effects such as an area’s social capital; geography may play an important role in the nature of health care delivered, through historical and cultural inheritances and regional price variations; and the …

How can the place where we live affect our health?

A variety of place-based influences affect health, including physical circumstances (e.g. altitude, temperature regimes, and pollutants), social context (e.g., social networks, access to care, perception of risk behaviors), and economic conditions (e.g., quality of nutrition, access to health insurance).

How does geography affect health disparities?

Within states, differences are associated with areas with lower incomes, higher numbers of minority populations, and cultural and historical risk factor patterns that contribute to higher rates of morbidity and mortality.

What are the main issues of health geography?

Conventionally, there are two primary areas of research within medical geography: the first deals with the spatial distribution and determinants of morbidity and mortality, while the second deals with health planning, help-seeking behavior, and the provision of health services.

How does geography affect the health care system?

When employers account for geography, they not only improve employee retention and satisfaction but also reduce overall health care costs. Where you live can affect your health, for better or for worse. If you live in an urban area, you may have an easier time finding health care services, but those facilities may be overburdened.

How does the environment in which you live affect your health?

Sometimes the environment in which a person lives can have a positive effect, she noted. For instance, research from her group has shown that women living in densely populated areas get a protective effect against obesity—likely because they walk more and drive less than their suburban counterparts.

How can I improve health care in my area?

Provide a mobile care center or on-site visits aimed at distributing immunizations, screenings and basic health care services for employees who live in areas with a shortage of health care providers. Cultivate a community garden where employees can grow healthy produce and herbs.

Why are health problems more common in cities?

Certain health complications also appear at higher rates in cities. For instance, poor air quality and pollution can contribute to asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).