How do you tell if an emu is a female or male?

How do you tell if an emu is a female or male?

Female emus court the males; the female’s plumage darkens slightly and the small patches of bare, featherless skin just below the eyes and near the beak turn turquoise-blue.

Do emus have blue necks?

Photo Wayne Lawler / EcoPix. They have shaggy grey-brown to black plumage. The bare skin around their face and neck is a striking blue-black colour. Emu chicks are grey with black or brown stripes, helping them camouflage from predators.

How can you tell an emu from an ostrich?

The emu is shorter than its ostrich cousin, reaching anywhere from 5 to 6 feet tall. Emus also weigh less; they can range in size from 40 to 132 pounds. An emu has three toes. Emus live only about 10 to 20 years.

What Colour are emus beaks?

The Emu is a large bird, standing up to 2 m tall and weighing up to 55 kg. It is covered in primitive feathers that are dusky brown to grey-brown with black tips. The Emu’s neck is bluish black and mostly free of feathers. Their eyes are yellowish brown to black and their beak is brown to black.

What does a male emu look like?

Male and female emus are similar in appearance although females are generally larger. Emus have soft, long, brown feathers on their plumage which has a shaggy appearance and shorter downy feathers on their heads. They have blue coloured skin on their long necks which is visible through their thin neck feathers.

Why are emu eggs blue?

Their stunning, emerald color makes them one of the most striking eggs on the planet. The blue-green hue is for camouflage, Lou Braxton of Roaming Acres Farm, an ostrich farm in New Jersey, told CBS. Emus lay their eggs in the grass and the color keeps them hidden from other animals.

What is the difference between a cassowary and an emu?

Emu is a single species, while there are three species of cassowaries. Cassowary has an attractive and prominent casque on the head, but not on emu. Cassowary has a large red wattle, but not on emu. Cassowary has keratinized black feathers covering its body, whereas emu has soft brown plumage with white patches.

What is the difference between a Rhea and an emu?

The Emu and the Greater Rhea have a large, soft, grey-brown feathered body, a long featherless neck, and long featherless legs with three toes. The Emu has orange-brown eyes, whereas the Greater Rhea has blue to brown eyes. The Emu is native to Australia, whereas the Greater Rhea is native to South America.

Do emus mate for life?

Emus usually pair up in summer and autumn, and mate in winter. Pairs remain together for about five months.